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Qualitative Research for a Zinc Treatment Program in Nepal: Findings and Recommendations

This study provides results of formative research conducted in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal in focus group sessions with caregivers from varying socio-economic subgroups and in-depth interviews with 30 pharmacists. Diarrhea symptoms and danger signs are well-understood. Oral rehydration therapy and/or ORS are both commonly requested and used by caregivers and "prescribed" by pharmacists. Caregivers are amenable to using zinc as a diarrhea treatment if it proves effective. Both caregivers and pharmacists have long associated zinc with vitamin supplements rather than as a pharmaceutical treatment for illness. The challenge will be to convey the concept of zinc as a high quality, cost effective, essential diarrhea treatment rather than as an "extra" or adjunct treatment or supplement. The results of this study will be used to inform the development of communication and marketing strategies and the design of a range of communication and educational materials and training curricula for both public and private sector health care providers and pharmacists.

Resource Type : Report

Country : Nepal

Year : 2006-10-15T17:15:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS