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Save the Date: PSP-One End of Project Conference, September 16th

The Abt Associates-led PSP-One project cordially invites you to attend our End of Project Conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. from 9am-5pm. Over the past 5 years, PSP-One has worked to increase the private sector's provision of high-quality reproductive health and family planning (RH/FP) and other health products and services in developing countries. As a USAID flagship project, PSP-One advances state-of-the-art knowledge and practices in private sector programming. PSP-One provides technical leadership in optimal private sector strategies; synthesizes and disseminates proven strategies, research findings, and tools; and provides country-level support in development and scale-up of successful private sector programs. In addition to sharing program innovations, lessons learned, and successes, the End of Project Conference will discuss new opportunities for private sector engagement for accelerating public health outcomes. The conference will bring together attendees and presenters from across a wide range of countries to discuss private sector contributions to public health initiatives. We look forward to having you at our event!

Resource Type :

Country :

Year : 2009-08-07T16:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS