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Thank you for visiting This is a contractor-operated website funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). This website was developed for interactive public use; it is not an official U.S. Government website, and therefore, does not necessarily state or reflect the views or opinions of the U.S. Government or USAID. This site is managed by the Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage program, implemented by Chemonics International in collaboration with Core Partners Results for Development (co-technical lead), Pathfinder, and Zenysis, and Network Implementation Partners (including ACCESS Health India, Africa Christian Health Association Platform, Africa Healthcare Federation, Amref Health Africa, Ariadne Labs, CERRHUD, Insight Health Advisors, Makerere University School of Public Health, Metrics for Management, Solina Group, Strategic Purchasing Africa Resource Center, Scope Impact, Stage Six, Strathmore University, Total Family Health Organization, and Ubora Institute). Individuals seeking USAID information should visit the agency's official government website at

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When you visit the site to browse, read, or download information from HealthMarketLinks, FHM Engage may collect some or all of the following via Google Analytics API:

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    You have voluntarily provided FHM Engage with potentially personally identifiable information. FHM Engage may use that personally identifiable information to respond to your comment, suggestion, or question. FHM Engage may forward this information to USAID. If it is determined another U.S. Government Agency or Department is in a better position to respond to your correspondence, FHM Engage may forward it to them for response. In aggregate, the information may be used to count the number of people corresponding with us via the contact page or email.

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FHM Engage will not obtain personally identifiable information about you when you visit the site unless you choose to provide such information to them.

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Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied freely unless identified as being subject to copyright protection. In return, it is requested that Health Market Links ( be cited as the source of any information, photos, and images copied from this site and that any photo credits or bylines be similarly credited to the photographer or author.

This website does not state or reflect the views or opinions of the U.S. Government or USAID. If you require official USAID information, please obtain it directly from and not through other sources that may change the information in some way to exclude material crucial to the understanding of that information.

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The information posted on this website may contain hypertext links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links and pointers are provided for visitors' convenience. FHM Engage does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any linked information. Further, the inclusion of links or pointers to other websites is not intended to assign importance to those sites and the information contained therein, nor is it intended to endorse, recommend, or favor any views expressed, or commercial products or services offered on these outside sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites, by trade name, trademark, manufacture, or otherwise.

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Every effort is made to provide accurate and complete information. However, with the thousands of documents available, often uploaded within short deadlines, FHM Engage cannot guarantee that there will be no errors. FHM Engage makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this website and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this website.

With respect to the content of this site, neither the United States Government, nor their employees and contractors make any warranty, expressed or implied or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, and the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to content available from this website or other Internet resources linked from it.

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Our website has links to other U.S. Government agencies and to private organizations. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the disclaimers and security and privacy policies of the new site.

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Unless a copyright is indicated, information on this website is in the public domain and may be reproduced, published, or otherwise used without permission. FHM Engage requests only that be cited as the source of the information and that any photo credits or bylines be similarly credited to the photographer or author as appropriate.

If a copyright is indicated on a photo, graphic, or any other material, permission to copy these materials must be obtained from the original source. 

This copyright notice does not pertain to information on websites other than this website.

Site Management
FHM Engage manages the overall information content, design, and organization of this website.

For More Information
If you have any questions or comments about the information presented here, please contact FHM Engage at