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An Assessment of Community-Based Health Financing Activities in Uganda

The Partners for Health Reformplus Project (PHRplus), in conjunction with the Uganda Community Based Health Financing Association (UCBHFA), conducted an assessment of community-based health financing (CBHF) schemes in Uganda. The purpose of the assessment was to identify good practices/models and key obstacles to sustainability in terms of governance and management, financial management and viability, risk management, marketing and membership incentives, community buy-in, and impact on quality of life of members. The PHRplus team conducted key informant interviews and focus group discussions with CBHF scheme managers, current scheme members, and former members. These data were supplemented by records from the UCBHFA and a desk review of relevant literature. The assessment revealed that scheme membership improved overall quality of life for scheme members; however, community participation and management practices should be strengthened to improve scheme viability and sustainability. The findings will be shared among scheme managers and support organizations to improve CBHF schemes' long-term sustainability.

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Year : 2005-02-01T15:30:00

Language :

Project : SHOPS