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The Impact of a Microfinance Program on Client Perceptions of the Quality of Care Provided by Private-Sector Midwives in Uganda

Can the quality of care and sustainability of private providers be improved by providing access to credit and business-skills training? Small-scale private providers supply a substantial portion of reproductive health care in Uganda. But a lack of credit and business skills constrains their development and expansion. The Summa Foundation designed a loan fund to improve the financial viability and quality of private health care services. This loan program included a business-skills training component. This study evaluated the health impact of the loan and found that the percentage of clients visiting borrowers because of factors related to the quality of their services increased significantly. They also found that during a time of declining donor resources for public sector reproductive health services, donor investments in microfinance programs that provide revolving loans and business-skills training can increase the supply of quality services.

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Year : 2002-10-01T10:45:00

Language :

Project : SHOPS