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Mobile Phone Messages to Improve Treatment of Childhood Diarrhea

This study analyzes the effects of a text message intervention on the knowledge and prescribing behavior of licensed chemical sellers in Ghana. Both control and treatment groups in this study attended an educational session on oral re-hydration salt therapy for diarrhea. Additionally, the treatment group received follow-up text messages with information about oral re-hydration salts and quizzes on diarrhea treatment. The study concluded the text messages had an impact on the knowledge retained by the licensed chemical sellers but had limited effects on their behavior. This presentation was made by Minki Chatterji, Ben Woodman, Pamela Riley, and Vicki MacDonald at a USAID Global Health Technical Brown Bag session. Another version of the presentation was made by Minki Chatterji at the Private Sector Pre-Day to the International Health Economists Association's World Congress in July 2013 and at the Population Association of America's annual meeting in April 2013.

Resource Type :

Country : Ghana

Year : 2013-12-17T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS