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Moving Toward Sustainability: Transition Strategies and Tools for Social Marketing Programs

This publication is composed of the report (including the continuum tool and five case studies) and three component documents. Download Components: Sustainability Continuum for Social Marketing Summary of Sustainability,

Strategies for Social Marketing Programs, and Checklist - Sustainable Social Marketing Self-Assessment Tool.

This paper provides donors, program developers, program managers, researchers, and others in the social marketing field with a practical approach to guide conceptual thinking and sustainable program design. This paper focuses on the application of social marketing principles to the sustainability of health programs, in particular to reproductive health and family planning projects. For donor agencies this paper offers practical suggestions for moving donor-dependent social marketing programs along the path to sustainability. While there is no one formula for accomplishing this goal, the paper suggests steps that will strengthen long-term viability and help ensure program success. To maximize the utility and application of the information in this paper, a set of products is offered: the paper (including the continuum tool and five detailed case studies from Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe); a summary of sustainability strategies; and a sustainability checklist. To understand all aspects of the sustainability discussion, reading the paper and case studies will be the most useful approach. For managers wishing to apply specific concepts and strategies, the continuum tool, strategy summary, and checklist will facilitate this process.

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Year : 2007-05-17T09:15:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS