Beyond his medical degree, Dr. Misa Rakotoarison also studied biology and economics. With his master’s in economics he hoped to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and one day set up his own business.
While working in a health center in Tamatave, Madagascar, Dr. Misa received his first SHOPS Plus training. “[The training] helped me to open my laboratory, LAMFE (Medical Laboratory of Fénérive Est), in Fénérive Est.”
He later received further SHOPS Plus training which helped him improve in areas such as operational and financial management.
In January 2019, Dr. Misa expanded his practice with the addition of a medical clinic. Shortly after he sought out a loan from Access Bank Madagascar to build an operating room.
“I thank Access Bank Madagascar for financing our operating room. We also thank SHOPS Plus for the business management training and coaching. And last but not least, I thank USAID for supporting the private health sector.”
Resource Type : Video
Country : Madagascar
Year :
Language : English
Project : SHOPS Plus
Dr. Mamitiana Raolisaona is a medical doctor based in Madagascar and a recipient of SHOPS Plus training. With the training he was able to strengthen his management and business skills.
Dr. Mamitiana Raolisaona's new and improved skills have helped him manage his multiple medical centers. The training also helped him alleviate his apprehension in using bank loans to grow his business. With financing from Baobab bank he has been able to expand and improve his practice.
“The continuous support of SHOPS Plus helped me to be more professional in the health services I provide.” Dr. Mamy said.
Resource Type : Video
Country : Madagascar
Year :
Language : English
Project : SHOPS Plus
Le secteur public est la principale source de soins à Madagascar, toutefois les schémas de recherche de soins varient en fonction du statut socioéconomique. Il est essentiel de comprendre si et où les enfants malades sont emmenés pour se faire soigner afin d’améliorer les interventions de gestion des cas. Cette note présente une analyse secondaire de l’Enquête démographique et de santé de 2009 en Madagascar qui vise à examiner quels traitements ou soins sont recherchés pour les enfants malades ayant eu au moins une de ces trois maladies traitables : fièvre, infection respiratoire aiguë ou diarrhée. Ces maladies font partie des principales causes de décès chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans.
Resource Type : Brief
Country : Madagascar
Year : 2018-10-01T12:00:00
Language : French
Project : SHOPS Plus
In Madagascar, the public health sector struggles to provide the care needed by the population; the private sector provides vital complementary products and services and helps to improve geographic access. SHOPS Plus conducted an assessment of the private health sector in Madagascar. This assessment had the following objectives: (1) estimate the size, scope, and scale of the private health sector, with an emphasis on key stakeholders and their roles; (2) review the types of health services and products offered by the private sector; (3) review policies and factors that inhibit or enable private sector participation in the health system; (4) estimate digital financial services and financial inclusion in Madagascar, with an emphasis on mobile money, barriers and opportunities for growth, and key stakeholders and their roles; and (5) review mobile-enabled insurance activities and opportunities. The report concludes with a list of recommendations to enhance the private sector's ability to increase access and efficiency in the health system.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Madagascar
Year : 2018-06-15T08:54:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS Plus
The public sector is the primary source of care in Madagascar; however, care-seeking patterns vary by socioeconomic status. Understanding if and where sick children are taken for care is critical to improve case management interventions. This brief presents a secondary analysis of the 2009 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey to examine where treatment or advice is sought for sick children who experienced at least one of three treatable illnesses: fever, acute respiratory infection, or diarrhea. These illnesses represent some of the leading causes of death in children under five years old.
Resource Type : Brief
Country : Madagascar
Year : 2018-08-06T12:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS Plus
USAID Madagascar engaged the services of the Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus project team to conduct an assessment of the private health sector in Madagascar.
This evaluation had the following objectives:
**This evaluation will be validated on January 25, 2018.
Resource Type :
Country : Madagascar
Year : 2016-01-19T01:01:01
Language : French
Project : SHOPS Plus
The SHOPS Plus project conducted a market shaping assessment of pregnancy tests in the Antanavario region in Madagascar. The assessment shows that pregnancy tests are widely available in the private sector, but only available in the public sector through donor-supported community health agents.
Resource Type : Brief
Country : Madagascar
Year :
Language : English
Project : SHOPS Plus
This summary presentation examines the market shaping analysis SHOPS Plus conducted in five countries. Studies conducted in Zambia and Madagascar suggest that increasing access to pregnancy tests can improve same-day initiation of family planning. This study aimed to identify opportunities to improve access to family planning services by using a market shaping approach to increase the use of pregnancy tests.
Resource Type : Presentation
Country :
Year :
Language : English
Project : SHOPS Plus
This presentation examines highlights from SHOPS's 50 studies conducted in family planning and reproductive health, HIV and AIDS, and maternal and child health . It was presented by Minki Chatterji at the SHOPS end-of-project event on June 16, 2015.
Resource Type : Presentation
Country : Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Uganda
Year : 2015-07-02T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
This presentation examines results and lessons learned from SHOPS work in child health and diarrhea management. It was presented by Vicki MacDonald at the SHOPS end-of-project event on June 16, 2015.
Resource Type : Presentation
Country : Benin, Ghana, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Uganda
Year : 2015-07-02T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS