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Healthy Markets CoP Session - Nigeria - January 25, 2023

The Healthy Markets Community of Practice presented its new country-focused format during the first meeting of the year. For the January session, the goal was to generate awareness of market development and private sector engagement work happening in Nigeria and for participants to leave with a greater understanding and appreciation of the country's family planning (FP) market. 

Market actors and implementing partners provided brief (2 to 5 minute updated on their work to improve the FP markets in Nigeria. 

Chris Jones, a consultant from Jones Global Insights, began with an overview of the Market Development Approach and how different partners are contributing to FP market development. 

Solina then shared a snapshot of the FP market in Nigeria and set the stage for our presenters who came from DKT Nigeria, Health Systems Consult Limited, IHP (USAID Integrated Health Program), Nivi, Marie Stopes Nigeria, Nivi, Palladium, PharmAccess Foundation, Salient Advisory, Society for Family Health Nigeria, and Solina.  

Topics covered digital approaches to contraceptive care, strategic purchasing for family planning, DKT's Telynet software, and private sector landscape assessments, just to name a few.  
Overall, we were delighted to see such a positive response to the new format. Over 90 participants joined and thoughtfully engaged with the material. We look forward to continued participation in future sessions.

Please link here to the full recording and/or our slide deck.  

Other Updates

The TMA TWG is moving forward as the Healthy Markets Community of Practice (CoP). This move has led to several changes to the group, one of which is a new format for future meetings. The Healthy Markets CoP is evolving its approach and will now use a country-focused format. The group will retain its focus on markets that were at the heart of the Total Market Approach. The group will also retain a focus on family planning and reproductive health. To see more details, you can access the most recent concept note here.

Future Meetings

The next Healthy Markets CoP meeting will take place February 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m./ EST. This session will focus on Tanzania and we encourage you to let us know if you would like to present a topic.  
Please feel free to share these updates with anyone that you think would benefit from our group. 


Please email FHM Engage Project Director Cynthia Eldridge ( or Elizabeth Peña ( 

  • Written by :

  • Published on : 15-Feb-23

  • Highlight Type : Event
  • Country : Nigeria
  • Project : FHM Engage
  • Language : English