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Healthy Markets CoP Session - Tanzania - February 22, 2023

The Healthy Markets Community of Practice (HMCoP) is a group dedicated to generating awareness of market development and private sector engagement work happening in different countries and for participants to leave with a greater understanding and appreciation of the country’s health market. The February meeting focused on Tanzania and participants included Abt Associates, Avenir Health, Healthy Entrepreneurs, Health for a Prosperous Nations, Healthy Shield Foundation, and Maisha Meds.

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After a successful inaugural country-focused session in January, looking at Nigeria, the CoP turned this month to Tanzania. Our February session was co-facilitated by FHM Engage Chief of Party for Tanzania, Farhan Yusuf. Building on the approach from the Nigeria session, this month's discussion placed an even greater emphasis on development and private sector engagement happening in Tanzania. 

Market actors and implementing partners provided brief 5-minute updates on their efforts with the private sector to improve the country's family planning (FP) markets. 

To start, FHM Engage consultant Sarah Alphs provided a brief overview of the FP market and set the stage for our presenters who came from Abt Associates, Avenir Health, Healthy Entrepreneurs, Health for a Prosperous Nation (HPON), Healthy Shield Foundation (HESHIF), and Maisha Meds. 

Presentations covered digital infrastructure for last mile universal healthcare, reaching young women through girl-friendly drug shops, improving access to family planning methods through the health education model in rural and hard to reach areas, and exploring cost drivers of publicly and privately provided family planning services, just to name a few.  

Overall, we were delighted to see such a positive response to this session. We had 85 participants join in an engaging and thoughtful discussion, with presenters able to respond to questions and take a deeper look at the materials presented. We look forward to continued participation in future sessions from everyone that attended. 

Other Updates

Unfortunately, due to scheduling constraints the session focusing on Pakistan has been postponed. Once we have a topic confirmed we will send out a calendar invite detailing the new meeting agenda. 

Please feel free to share these updates with anyone that you think would benefit from our group. 

Future Meetings

Due to the high level of interest in the Tanzania-focused session, we are considering organizing another call or meeting to expand on what was discussed. This session could possibly be in-person for those based in the country. If you would like to take part in this session, please email Elizabeth Peña at ( or Farhan Yusuf (


Please email Jessica Jones ( or Elizabeth Peña ( 

  • Written by :

  • Published on : 15-Mar-23

  • Highlight Type : Event
  • Country : Tanzania
  • Project : FHM Engage
  • Language : English