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Supporting Private Sector Businesses in Family Planning Markets: Resources for USAID Teams and Missions

The private sector is an important source of family planning in many countries. However, many businesses face challenges that inhibit growth and their ability to provide quality healthcare. Access to capital and technical support can support small and midsize enterprises to grow and fulfill their business objectives to ultimately deliver improved outcomes for family planning users.

The following resources aim to support USAID missions in considering their options and opportunities for strengthening businesses through financial and technical assistance as part of their market development approaches for family planning.


Advancing Family Planning Outcomes Through Supporting Local Private Sector Businesses: Approach & Resources: A guide for USAID missions to explore and identify opportunities to support private contraceptive businesses to deliver family planning outcomes through a combination of financial and technical assistance.

Advancing Family Planning Outcomes Through Supporting Local Private Sector Businesses: Ghana Worked Example: An application of the approach outlined in document 1 to the market context in Ghana.

Advancing Family Planning Outcomes Through Supporting Local Private Sector Businesses: Report of Methodology, Findings & ApplicationsA long form report documenting the approach and research to develop documents 1 & 2.




  • Written by :

  • Published on : 23-Jul-24

  • Highlight Type : News
  • Country : Ghana, Global
  • Project : Market Access and Innovative Finance
  • Language : English