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Accelerating Private Sector Engagement in National Health Information Systems

A national health management information system (HMIS) is the foundation for effective oversight, management, and provision of health information, products, and services in a country. The private sector is often a significant source of health products and services, yet few countries have fully galvanized routine reporting by private health care providers. This results in incomplete data on the types, volumes, and quality of services and products delivered through private sector channels and limits the ability of public health officials to effectively engage and steward both the public and private health sectors. To address this gap, this report establishes a framework for examining and supporting private sector participation in a national HMIS. The framework identifies common barriers to private provider engagement in a national HMIS, shares global case studies, and offers actionable recommendations to governments, private providers, donors, and implementing partners.

Resource Type : Report

Country : Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal, Tanzania

Year : 2021-03-25T16:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS Plus