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Bangladesh: Contraceptive Market Segmentation Analysis—Final Report

Segmentation of the contraceptive market in Bangladesh already exists with the public and private sectors playing crucial roles. Using the Demographic Health Survey (DHS) data to highlight each sector's efforts to reach contraceptive users, this report will help guide policymakers and other stakeholders in resource allocation decisions. Analysis of the users by income, region, and other characteristics has helped determine which methods are being used, by whom, and from which source. Opportunities have been identified that will help both the public and private sectors focus their attention on potential and existing clients. This report is the first step in the consultative process. The second step, a workshop in Bangladesh for donors and stakeholders, will be to develop policy to maintain market segmentation.

Resource Type : Report

Country : Bangladesh

Year : 2003-11-01T17:30:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS