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Comprehensive Report on the Treatment of Childhood Diarrhea in Nigeria

This presentation summarizes the results from market research conducted with healthcare providers and caregivers of children under five in Nigeria to gain a deeper understanding of knowledge and behavior related to the treatment of diarrhea in children younger than 5 years of age. Findings revealed that while ORS use is high overall, messaging should reinforce that it be used first and in the right amounts. To target groups most likely to die from diarrhea, implementation strategy and communication messaging needs to reflect behaviors and perceptions of non-users. Messaging should incorporate local terminology into messaging: for example, “oral drip,” “stooling.” Both caregivers AND providers need to be educated about diarrhea management (anti-motility recommendation is highest among doctors). There is room to improve provider knowledge on the purpose of the products as well as the need to give instructions to mothers on volume of ORS. Programs should craft messaging to address confusion between ORS and HSSS. Why pay for a product when the ingredients are at home? Make clear what the added value is of packaged ORS. Finally, PPMVs could be an important group for messaging as they are seen as a trustworthy source, especially in rural areas. In addition, as they provide treatments on credit, they are not just focused on profit, but being a useful source of treatment.

Resource Type :

Country : Nigeria

Year : 2014-06-01T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS