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Evaluation of the Demonstration Project for the Financing of Primary Health Care in Egypt

This report uses a change management conceptual framework to analyze the Family Health Fund demonstration project that was implemented in Egypt from 1998-2001. The Family Health Fund was a new organization established to finance primary care under the first phase of the health reform program in Egypt. Technical assistance was provided by the Partnerships for Health Reform Project (PHR) through the United States Agency for International Development Health Policy Support Project. This project provided early assistance to the government of Egypt and the Ministry of Health and Population to establish the capacity to regulate reform and to test the feasibility of key reform components through a demonstration project in Alexandria. This report is the last in a series of technical reports that provide information on various aspects of the demonstration project and its impact on reform development. The series provides an important resource for understanding the key aspects of the Alexandria demonstration project. A complete list of PHR technical report titles included in the series is provided at the end of this document.

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Year : 2005-08-31T09:15:00

Language :

Project : SHOPS