The Government of Nepal, through the Ministry of Health and Population's (MOHP) Child Health Division, took steps to address the issue of high pill/syrup use by heavily promoting the use of both pre-packaged ORS and oral rehydration therapy (ORT)— homemade sugar/salt solutions or other recommended home fluids—to reduce the severity of symptoms from dehydration. In 2004, it became one of the first health ministries in the world to create a Zinc Task Force and prepare stakeholders for the introduction of zinc in line with the new World Health Organization (WHO)/ UNICEF recommendations for standard management of childhood diarrhea, which includes ORS/ORT along with a 10-14 day regimen of pediatric zinc.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Nepal
Year : 2009-05-12T13:45:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS