Resource Library

IUD Checklist Enables Providers to Help Clients Make Informed Contraceptive Choices

Research findings over the past 20 years have established that many women – including women who have not given birth and those who want to space births – can safely use the intrauterine device (IUD). Most recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) removed many restrictions against IUD use by women living with HIV infection and women at risk of HIV or other STIs. Many healthcare providers, however, are unaware of changes in IUD eligibility and continue to recommend this highly effective reversible form of contraception to only a small percentage of eligible women. Family Health International (FHI), with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development, has developed a simple checklist to help providers determine quickly and with confidence whether a client may use an IUD. Based on WHO's Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, the checklist consists of a series of questions designed to identify any medical conditions or behaviors that would either prevent safe IUD use or require further screening. It is available online at (PDF format, Adobe Reader required). For printed copies, please contact Additional information about IUDs and WHO's Medical Eligibility Criteria is also available on FHI's Web site at

Resource Type : Tool

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Year : 2005-09-08T17:15:00

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Project : SHOPS