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Webinar: E-vouchers for family planning: advantages, challenges, and trends (recording)

The USAID-funded Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus project hosted a webinar on its new brief, “E-Vouchers for Family Planning: Advantages, Challenges, and Trends” on Tuesday, November 26 at 10 a.m. The project reviewed voucher programs that use digital channels for voucher distribution (e-vouchers). The brief shares lessons from managers of e-voucher applications, including benefits and disadvantages of e-vouchers compared to physical paper vouchers. 

The webinar featured the author of the brief, Pamela Riley, and leading e-voucher experts, who discussed how to best make use of digital channels to improve voucher program efficiency, scalability, and versatility.

Speakers included: 

  • Pamela Riley - Digital Health Advisor for SHOPS Plus
  • Matthew Wilson - Populations Services International, previously advisor on voucher design with Marie Stopes International 
  • Anna Gorter - Voucher consultant for KfW, World Bank, DfID, EKN, MSI, PSI, PopCouncil
  • Benoit Renard - CEO of Triggerise, a digital platform connecting providers, suppliers and customers

Watch the recording below.

Resource Type : Webinar

Country :

Year :

Language : English

Project : SHOPS Plus