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Webinar: Harnessing the Private Health Sector for Gender Equality (recording)

The SHOPS Plus project has advanced gender equality and sparked global learning on gender integration in health programming by incorporating a gender lens across a global initiative and championing gender transformative approaches within the private health sector.This webinar captured the approaches pioneered over the past six years, including examples from Nepal (gender capacity building in the private health sector), and Tanzania (empowering female health care providers through access to credit and business support).Moderator:Mary Beth Hastings, SHOPS Plus Gender Liaison, Iris GroupSpeakers:Joan Kraft, Gender Advisor, USAIDMaureen Ogada-Ndekana, Chief of Party, Tanzania, SHOPS Plus, Abt AssociatesManeshka Eliatamby, Senior Associate, Iris Group

Resource Type : Webinar

Country : Nepal, Tanzania

Year : 2021-04-01T11:30:00

Language : English

Project :