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FHM Engage Concept Note Address Evidence Gaps in Strengthening Quality of Care in Private Sector Provision of Child Health Services in Tanzania 2.1.B

FHM Engage is a global cooperative agreement providing technical assistance supporting local actors to improve the ability of health markets to meet supply-side capacity gaps and consumer preferences, contributing to equitable provision of and access to high-quality health services and products in mixed health systems. Building on more than 30 years of USAID investment, FHM Engage focuses on strengthening local health markets by addressing the root causes of market failures in the core market functions to create necessary behavior changes that catalyze supply and demand and support sustainable change.

Resource Type : Report

Country : Tanzania

Year : 2022-11-01T13:17:48

Language : English

Project : FHM Engage

United States Agency for International Development

1300 Pennsylvania Ave, Nw
Washington DC 20004