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Integrating TB/HIV Services in Private Clinics in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has a national case detection rate of 27%, and is ranked seventh in tuberculosis (TB) prevalence among high-burden countries (Global Tuberculosis Control Report, World Health Organization [WHO] 2008). In addition, the growth of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ethiopia has contributed to a significant rise in TB cases. The Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) has been working on multiple fronts to reduce morbidity and mortality from TB. Current efforts to control TB are aimed at achieving two global targets set by WHO in 2006: detecting 70% of the estimated smear-positive TB cases and curing 85% of the diagnosed smear-positive cases. Until August 2006, provision of Directly Observed Therapy-Short Course (DOTS) for TB treatment was limited to public sector health facilities.

Resource Type : Brief

Country : Ethiopia

Year : 2009-06-22T10:15:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS