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Revisiting a Total Market Approach to Contraceptive Security in Honduras

Although several Total Market Approach (TMA) initiatives to family planning products have been implemented, little research has been conducted to evaluate the outcomes of these interventions. This article aims to help fill this gap in the literature by examining the effects of a TMA activity implemented in Honduras from 2009 to 2010 called “TMI Honduras” which was led by Abt Associates with assistance from John Snow, Inc. DHS data suggested a decline in unmet need and improvements were most notable among the poorest wealth quintiles and in rural areas. Stakeholder interviews suggested moderate initial success in engaging new stakeholders, segmenting the market, and implementing recommendations from the TMA activity. The Honduran case demonstrates that a small TMA activity can be successful in bringing together the public, private nonprofit, and private commercial sectors to address unmet need and improve the contraceptive prevalence rate.

This article was published in Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing, Volume 8, Supplement 1 – The Total Market Approach, Winter 2014. Copyright © 2014; all rights reserved.

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Year : 2014-12-29T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS