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Short Report: Prescription and Administration of a 14-day Regimen of Zinc Treatment for Childhood Diarrhea in Mali

We evaluated prescription and correct dosing of a 14-day course of dispersible zinc tablets prescribed to young children with diarrhea by community and facility workers in rural, southern Mali, West Africa. One hundred twenty-three children were followed at home on days 3 and 14 after being prescribed zinc. The age-appropriate dose of zinc was dispensed in 94% of cases. Ninety-five percent of mothers dissolved the tablet in a small amount of water and gave it with a spoon. Only eight caretakers reported problems with zinc administration: either vomiting or refusal to take the tablets. Sixty-four percent of children received the full 14-day course of treatment, and more than 89% of children were given at least a 10-day course of zinc treatment. The levels of correct administration were very good but might be lower under non-research conditions.

Resource Type : Report

Country : Mali

Year : 2009-12-16T14:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS