Resource Library

Improving Health through Market-based Approaches in India

A four-page overview of the SHOPS project's scale up of market-based partnership initiatives that focused on reaching low-income consumers with essential health products and services in India.

Resource Type :

Country : India

Year : 2015-06-22T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Reaching Base of the Pyramid Health Markets in India

This presentation highlights the Advanced Cook Stoves Initiative in India. It was given as part of “The potential of market-based models for reaching the base of the economic pyramid,” third in a series of webinars leading up to the iHEA Pre-Congress Private Sector Symposium 2013.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : India

Year : 2013-04-11T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Strengthening Family Planning Outcomes through the Private Sector (2013)

This fact sheet provides a brief overview of how the SHOPS project increases the role of the private sector in the provision of quality family planning products and services, with examples from Bangladesh, India, Jordan, and Nigeria.

Resource Type :

Country : Bangladesh, India, Jordan, Nigeria

Year : 2013-11-25T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Overcoming the Last Mile Challenge

This presentation discusses how the Market-based Partnerships for Health project has designed commercial partnerships to improve access to health commodities in rural areas by leveraging distribution networks used by commercial entities and providing consumers with financing for an advance cookstove product. This presentation was made at the Private Sector Working Group quarterly meeting in May 2012.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : India

Year : 2013-01-25T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Tanzania Zinc Case Study

This document is part of a series of fourteen case studies in eleven countries that have tried to scale up ORS and zinc. These case studies document both successful and unsuccesful programs and contribute to our understanding of efforts to deliver proven interventions for childhood diarrhea. They are relevant to the community of international agencies, policy makers, researchers, and donors. Countries included in the series are: Bangladesh, Guyana, India, Jordan, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Trinidad and Tobago. In some cases a country may have two  case studies, one on ORS and one on zinc.

Resource Type :

Country : Tanzania

Year : 2013-01-09T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

India ORS Case Study

This document is part of a series of fourteen case studies in eleven countries that have tried to scale up ORS and zinc. These case studies document both successful and unsuccesful programs and contribute to our understanding of efforts to deliver proven interventions for childhood diarrhea. They are relevant to the community of international agencies, policy makers, researchers, and donors. Countries included in the series are: Bangladesh, Guyana, India, Jordan, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Trinidad and Tobago. In some cases a country may have two case studies, one on ORS and one on zinc.

Resource Type :

Country : India

Year : 2013-01-09T00:00:00

Language :

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Saathi Bachpan Ke: Diarrhea Prevention and Management Baseline Report

Implemented by the USAID funded Market-based Partnerships for Health (MBPH) project, Saathi Bachpan Ke (‘Friends of Childhood’ in Hindi) is a program that aims at improving child health by reducing the incidence of diarrheal diseases in children under five (the second highest cause of deaths among this age group). This is done by promoting simple and effective behaviors, namely, hand washing with soap, treating water and using oral rehydration therapy (ORT).

This report includes findings and recommendations from a basline study designed to:

  • Establish baseline values for performance indicators around knowledge, attitudes and practices of consumers
  • Establish an evidence base for prioritizing target population segments
  • Identify and prioritize key barriers to the adoption of desired behaviors

Resource Type : Report

Country : India

Year : 2012-10-01T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

“Manufacturer’s Model” Partnerships to Promote Family Planning

This presentation highlights lessons learned working in partnership with pharmaceutical companies to promote family planning in India and Morocco. Given at USAID's Mini-University, September 2012.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : India, Morocco

Year : 2012-09-12T00:00:00

Language :

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Tuberculosis Care and Support through the Private Sector in India

This presentation discusses the work of the Abt Associates Market-based Partnerships for Health program in India to enable participation of private health care providers in the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program. The presentation outlines the program's TB model, results, and why participation of private health care providers in the RNTCP was successful in Karnataka but not in Uttar Pradesh.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : India

Year : 2012-08-20T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Commercial Approaches for Reaching the Unreached: Lessons from the Market-based Partnerships for Health Project

This presentation reviews the work completed under the Market-based Partnerships for Health project, which was a USAID-initative implemented by Abt.Abt Associates. This project sought to forge commercially sustainabile partnerships with the private sector on a range of public health issues. Review the presentation to learn about project highlights and results.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : India

Year : 2012-06-04T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS

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