Serious National Events to Reduce Violence Against Women A brochure used at the VAW launch to explain the PSP initiative to support the National Strategic Plan for Family Protection in Jordan. The brochure will be used for future events.
Resource Type : Brochure/Postcard
Country : Jordan
Year : 2007-09-24T10:45:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
Abt Associates Inc.'s International Health Division works with the private sector in over 50 countries to improve public health outcomes by promoting understanding, formulating strategies, providing technical assistance, and facilitating partnerships. This brochure details the approaches, areas of expertise, and commercial partners of Abt Associates. It also highlights success stories from Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Jordan, Nicaragua, and Nigeria.
Resource Type : Brochure/Postcard
Country : Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Jordan, Nicaragua, Nigeria
Year : 2007-05-23T10:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
The Partnerships for Health Reform, funded by the United States Agency for International Development, provides technical assistance in a variety of areas—including universal coverage of health services—to help improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and equity of Jordan's health system. This report outlines the findings of the assessment, conducted in June 1998, of private third party payers in the health sector and the potential roles they could play in a universal health system. The report also presents a brief overview of Jordan's health sector, quantitative data on third party payers, their organizational structure and business/service approach and plans. The report contains a list of short- and long-term recommendations on actions to take in order to determine the roles of private insurance and to enable third party payers to contribute to social health insurance.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 1998-08-24T16:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
This study presents a secondary data analysis of the 2002 Jordan Population and Family Health Survey. The sample size in JPFHS 2002 was 6,000 ever-married women ages 15–49. The wealth index constructed by MACRO was used for the market segmentation analysis. In developing a wealth index, each household asset or amenity is assigned a factor score generated through principal component analysis. In this way, MACRO defined the standard of living in terms of assets, rather than in terms of income or consumption.3
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 2004-08-22T16:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
Goli Ke Hamjoli, CMS success story in India Partnerships with pharmaceuticals, Morocco Impact of franchise in Nicaragua Call-in radio programs for adolescents in Uganda The contraception-adoption process in Jordan Summa Foundation loan in Cambodia
Resource Type : Other
Country : India, Jordan, Morocco, Nicaragua, Uganda
Year : 2001-10-01T15:15:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
CMS program in Morocco Fighting malaria, Uganda Health financing NGO sustainability, Senegal Adolescent reproductive health, Madagascar Projective technique guides communications campaign, Jordan Summa Foundation — microcredit to private providers in Uganda
Resource Type : Other
Country : Jordan, Madagascar, Morocco, Senegal, Uganda
Year : 2001-02-01T15:15:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
At the Commercial Market Strategies (CMS) project, policy is broadly defined to encompass "the environment for sustainable delivery of family planning and other health products and services through the private sector." Policy, therefore, includes both the policy regime — the laws, policy statements, regulations, and procedures on record in a given country — and the policy environment — the real implementation and attitudes that affect the private sector. CMS recognizes that although the government controls some elements of policy, other key actors, such as medical associations or religious leaders, also profoundly affect policy. While the vision of policy at CMS is expansive, our policy activities and interventions focus on achieving those changes that can directly improve the environment for private sector delivery of family planning and reproductive health products and services.
Resource Type : Brochure/Postcard
Country : Jordan, Senegal
Year : 2005-07-18T14:30:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
Health for all is an achievable goal for the citizens of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan where primary care focuses on providing high quality preventive, promotive, and curative care in a cost-effective manner. The Jordanian Ministry of Health and USAID-funded Primary Health Care Initiatives Project (PHCI) have formed a partnership to reach this goal. The Standards of Care for Health Centers described here represent a milestone in the road towards better health. They are tangible evidence of the considerable thought and effort that has been devoted to promoting quality of care by the Ministry of Health. The purpose of the "Standards" is to ensure that health center staff members have the basic and essential guidance required for safe, effective, and humane service delivery. The Standards are contained in five volumes, each addressing a distinct aspect of health center services. A sixth volume of performance checklists is included with the Standards to facilitate self-assessment and performance review. As a set, the Standards are intended to serve as a convenient reference, a guide for service delivery, and a tool to support performance improvement. When following the guidelines set forth in the Standards, members of health center staff are assured that services meet the accepted standard of care required by their communities. This is one of 6 volumes, and this volume is described below: Volume 6: Performance Checklists The performance checklists presented in each of the five volumes have been compiled in this final volume. These compiled checklists are a convenient tool and job aid for refreshing knowledge, guiding self-assessment, and standardizing performance assessment at the health centers.
Resource Type :
Country : Jordan
Year : 2005-05-16T13:45:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
Health for all is an achievable goal for the citizens of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan where primary care focuses on providing high quality preventive, promotive, and curative care in a cost-effective manner. The Jordanian Ministry of Health and USAID-funded Primary Health Care Initiatives Project (PHCI) have formed a partnership to reach this goal. The Standards of Care for Health Centers described here represent a milestone in the road towards better health. They are tangible evidence of the considerable thought and effort that has been devoted to promoting quality of care by the Ministry of Health. The purpose of the "Standards" is to ensure that health center staff members have the basic and essential guidance required for safe, effective, and humane service delivery. The Standards are contained in five volumes, each addressing a distinct aspect of health center services. A sixth volume of performance checklists is included with the Standards to facilitate self-assessment and performance review. As a set, the Standards are intended to serve as a convenient reference, a guide for service delivery, and a tool to support performance improvement. When following the guidelines set forth in the Standards, members of health center staff are assured that services meet the accepted standard of care required by their communities. This is one of 6 volumes, and this volume is described below: Volume 5: Nursing Care
Resource Type :
Country : Jordan
Year : 2005-05-16T13:45:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
Health for all is an achievable goal for the citizens of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan where primary care focuses on providing high quality preventive, promotive, and curative care in a cost-effective manner. The Jordanian Ministry of Health and USAID-funded Primary Health Care Initiatives Project (PHCI) have formed a partnership to reach this goal. The Standards of Care for Health Centers described here represent a milestone in the road towards better health. They are tangible evidence of the considerable thought and effort that has been devoted to promoting quality of care by the Ministry of Health. The purpose of the "Standards" is to ensure that health center staff members have the basic and essential guidance required for safe, effective, and humane service delivery. The Standards are contained in five volumes, each addressing a distinct aspect of health center services. A sixth volume of performance checklists is included with the Standards to facilitate self-assessment and performance review. As a set, the Standards are intended to serve as a convenient reference, a guide for service delivery, and a tool to support performance improvement. When following the guidelines set forth in the Standards, members of health center staff are assured that services meet the accepted standard of care required by their communities. This is one of 6 volumes, and this volume is described below: Volume 4: Preventive Services This volume addresses two different but complementary aspects of prevention, which are of great importance to the communities served by health centers. The first section covers prevention of childhood diseases through immunization; the second addresses the prevention of infection transmission within the health facility and among clients, staff, and the communities they serve. Immunization guidelines describe management of the cold chain and vaccines, immunization procedures and schedules, roles of staff, recordkeeping, and supervision. Infection prevention includes guidelines for maintaining protective barriers through handwashing, use of gloves and antiseptics, and procedures for decontamination, cleaning, sterilization, and waste disposal. Performance checklists are provided for all important procedures as a guide for self-assessment and performance review.
Resource Type :
Country : Jordan
Year : 2005-05-16T13:45:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS