This study discusses the factors that promote or hinder commercial sector participation in the provision of a secure supply of contraceptives. Competition is a key factor, especially when it comes to price differences between publicly and privately provided contraceptives. Other factors include market size, an adequate distribution network, the regulatory environment and existing social marketing efforts. Dr. Bulatao found that low-income levels do not necessarily limit the potential market since commercial prices are often affordable to many, and consumers often choose to spend out-of-pocket for other health care needs.
Resource Type : Other
Country : Pakistan
Year : 2002-02-01T15:45:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
This case study chronicles Social Marketing Pakistan's experience designing and implementing the Green Star Network as documented and interpreted by Population Services International (PSI). Social Marketing Pakistan (SMP) and PSI operate as a joint venture, with SMP functioning as a local affiliate. As the Green Star Network is often cited as an example of a successful social franchise, the Commercial Market Strategies project produced this case study to illustrate how this model can expand access to quality reproductive health products and services.
Resource Type :
Country : Pakistan
Year : 2001-09-01T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
The study focuses on how engagement with the private sector can improve access to and uptake of quality and appropriate health services by the poor, and identifies approaches to promote private sector engagement. It reviews the mechanisms for working with the private sector, including contracting, franchising, social marketing and regulation (supply side) and vouchers, insurance and micro-credit (demand side). These mechanisms are analyzed against different criteria including impact on health outcomes, quality of care, and household expenditure on health. The study also looks at the feasibility for scaling up a given effort in terms of the regulatory environment, financial costs, risk factors, legal and administrative barriers and opportunity for public partnerships.
Resource Type : Other
Country :
Year : 2004-02-01T11:45:00
Language :
Project : SHOPS