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Healthy Markets Community of Practice Session: Sierra Leone

The September session of the Healthy Markets Community of Practice focused on the family planning (FP) and sexual reproductive health SRH) market in Sierra Leone. The session included presentations from FHM Engage, Planned Parenthood Association of Sierra Leone, DKT, People's Alliance for Reproductive Health (PARHA), Health Alert Sierra Leone, UNFPA Sierra Leone, MOMEMTUM Country & Global Leadership (MCGL), and Marie Stopes Sierra Leone. 

Shankar Narayanan, Senior Technical Advisor for Market Development, FHM Engage, provided an overview of FHM Engage’s recent findings from the Sierra Leone FP Market Description.

We want to thank the team at PARHA for all organizing this meeting and USAID Development Assistance Specialist, Health, Aiah Lebbie Sosokoeneh, for his participation.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in this session, with special appreciation for those who dedicated their time to present. 


The Sierra Leone meeting featured the following speakers:


Shankar Narayanan, Senior Market Development Advisor FHM Engage, Family Planning Market Description


"Gladys"Gladys Goba, Regional and Ag. Service Delivery Manager for Planned Parenthood Association of Sierra Leone (PPASL),


Phildys Johnson, Manager- Programs and Regulatory Affairs for DKT

Fodie Kamara, Chairman/Executive Director for People’s Alliance for Reproductive Health Advocacy (PARHA), 

Darlton John, Program Manager for Health Alert Sierra Leone (HASiL),

Gamachis Shogo, Technical Specialist - RHCS for UNFPA Sierra Leone, 

Baindu Kosia, Country Director Jhpiego for MOMENTUM Country & Global Leadership, 

Edward Joseph Benya, Program Operations Director for Marie Stopes Sierra Leone (MSSL)


Andrea Bare, Senior Technical Advisor, USAID PRHConcluding Remarks



If you have resources you would like featured in the newsletter or any upcoming event that would be of interest to the HMCoP please contact FHM-HMCoP@fhm-engage.org. 

Future Meetings and More

Coming Up

October- Malawi

December- Pharmacy & Drug Shops

More Information

On the USAID Health Market Links website, managed by FHM Engage, you can find past session recordings, slide decks, or revisit past newsletters. See the HMCoP page here: Healthy Markets CoP | FHM Engage (healthmarketlinks.org). If you have questions or would like to make us aware of an organization or project to feature, please email FHM-HMCoP@FHM-Engage.org or Farhan Yusuf (fyusuf@r4d.org).  

Banner image: Women stand in line at a health facility in Sierra Leone. Source: PRESS RELEASE : Investing in family planning is key to saving women’s lives in Sierra Leone – Cocorioko.

  • Written by :

  • Published on : 20-Aug-24

  • Highlight Type : Event
  • Country : Sierra Leone
  • Project : FHM Engage
  • Language : English