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Healthy Markets Community of Practice Session: Zambia

The August session of the Healthy Markets Community of Practice (HMCoP) focused on the family planning (FP) and sexual reproductive health SRH) market in Zambia. The session included presentations from Zambia Accessible Markets for Health (ZamHealth), Planned Parenthood of Zambia, Marie Stopes Zambia, World Vasectomy Day, Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia, and Zenysis Technologies, with concluding remarks by USAID Zambia.

Dr. Lucy Nyundo from ZamHealth provided an overview of the FP/SRH market, highlighting the challenges and potential opportunities in Zambia. Zenysis Technologies presented their Zambia Health Analytics Platform, initiated by the FHM Engage project and shared plans for ZamHealth to further implementation in-country.

We want to thank the team at Zenysis Technologies for all organizing this meeting and USAID Zambia Family Planning Advisor Loyce Munthali for her participation and concluding remarks.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in this session, with special appreciation for those who dedicated their time to present. 



The Zambia meeting featured the following speakers:

Kuyosh Kadirov, Health Development Officer at USAID: Opening Remarks



Dr. Lucy Nyundo, Director- Private Sector Engagement Unit for ZamHealth, USAID Zambia Accessible Markets for Health Project: Dr. Nyundo provided an overview of the FP and SRH market in Zambia. This project is working to improve the capacity of the private sector to sustainably deliver high-quality products, services and information. ZamHealth targets market inefficiencies and market intelligence and data gaps to increase private sector participation in the FP/SRH market.

Sitabiso Moyo, Programmes Officer - Youth and Governance for Planned Parenthood of Zambia (PPAZ), An Overview of the PPAZ Service Delivery Model: Mr. Moyo briefly covered PPAZ's approach in Zambia covering their stakeholders, service delivery model, as well as services and tools utilized in their programming. PPAZ provides services in eight key areas including contraception, gynecology, and gender-based violence. PPAZ has also begun to offer digital and youth-dedicated services. 

Likando Songolo, Director of Programmes for Marie Stopes Zambia (MSZ), Overview of Marie Stopes in Zambia: Mr. Songolo spoke on MSZ's approach in Zambia through the lens of its 2030 strategy. He focused on providing an overview of its 3 Access Pillars for sustainable service provision. These include 1) leave no one behind, 2) diversifying services at MSZ centers, and 3) double SRHR impact through social marketing sales. MSZ shared that it has recently expanded its services to ten provinces to increase services for rural populations. MSZ also distributes high-quality drugs to 600 pharmacies across the country. 

Sheila Gabeya, Program Director - Africa for World Vasectomy Day (WVD),
A Programmatic Overview of WVD: Ms. Gabeya focused on key WVD interventions which include An Act of Love Campaign, Doctor Training, Responsible Men's Club (RMC), Young People for Health (YPH), and Media Workshops for Young Filmmakers.  WVD is a unique organization focusing on increasing male engagement in FP/SRH. A key intervention is to increase vasectomies and highlight the importance of men in improving maternal and child health. WVD also runs a resource center that provides education, awareness, and provides male-focused family planning services.

 Zanga Musakuzi, represented the Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia (PSZ),
An Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia: 
Mr. Musakuzi gave an overview of the tools and resources that PSZ provides. PSZ represents pharmacy professionals across Zambia and plays a key role in advocacy, education, and maintaining standards. PSZ provides contraceptive guidelines and protocols, access to FP/SRH commodities, and FP/SRH training for pharmacy professionals. PSZ's private sector engagement work focuses on community outreach and expanding pharmacy-based SRH services.

Kaluba Mataka, Regional Director of Delivery for Zenysis Technologies, Using the Zambia Health Analytics Platform (ZHAP) as a Market Intelligence Tool: Ms. Mataka gave an overview of Zenysis and introduced its digital platform. The platform works to integrate fragmented public and private sector data into a single platform to aid in data use and analytics to support data-driven decision-making. As a part of Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage Zenysis used the Zambia Health Analytics Platform (ZHAP) to access and integrate public and private sector FP data to support cross-sector FP decision-making. 

Aaron Mutinta, Technical Advisor - Program Services for Zenysis, Using the Zambia Health Analytics Platform (ZHAP) as a Market Intelligence Tool: Mr. Mutinta gave a demonstration of the ZHAP platform and illustrated how users can explore market data, develop analysis, and generate insights. The tool allows users to add data from multiple sources and apply filters to obtain detailed analysis as well as graphics. This analysis then creates a dashboard that can provide a snapshot of the market landscape across actors.

Loyce Munthali, Family Planning Advisor at USAID Zambia: Concluding Remarks



In case you missed it on August 22, Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC) hosted a webinar titled 'What's Big? What's Ahead? The Contraceptive Social Marketing Statistics Report Takes Stock and Looks to the Future'. You can watch the recording here

Check out this set of resources from MOMENTUM County and Global Leadership (MCGL).  

You can also watch their presentation on Demystifying the Complexities of Private Sector Engagement in Public Purchasing Programs for the Provision of Family Planning Services. You can access the full slides here.

Future Meetings and More

Coming Up

September- Sierra Leone

October- Malawi

November/December- Pharmacy & Drug Shops

More Information:

On the USAID Health Market Links website, managed by FHM Engage, you can find past session recordings, slide decks, or revisit past newsletters. See the HMCoP page here: Healthy Markets CoP | FHM Engage (healthmarketlinks.org). If you have questions or would like to make us aware of an organization or project to feature, please email Elizabeth Peña at (epena@FHM-Engage.org) or Farhan Yusuf (fyusuf@r4d.org).  


Banner image: A health worker speaks with a patient at a DFID-UK supported Marie Stopes International (MSI) family planning center in Zambia. Credit: Charlie Shoemaker/MSI. Source: USAID flickr.

  • Written by :

  • Published on : 22-Sep-24

  • Highlight Type : Event
  • Country : Zambia
  • Project : FHM Engage
  • Language : English