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Upcoming Healthy Markets Community of Practice Convening: Zambia

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Healthy Markets Community of Practice

Meeting Focus: Zambia

Thursday, August 29th 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. EDT / 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Zambia

To register for this event, please email Elizabeth Peña (FHM Engage) epena@FHM-Engage.org

FHM Engage is pleased to invite you to attend the next meeting of the Healthy Markets Community of Practice (HMCoP) which will focus on Zambia!

The HMCoP is an evolution from the Total Market Approach Technical Working Group (TMA TWG) which has been operational since 2014. Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage acts as the Secretariat, and USAID and UNFPA are the co-chairs. 

The HMCoP is focused on family planning (FP) and sexual reproductive health (SRH) and aimed at increasing local participation through in-country partners and actors. Each month we highlight either a country or thematic area with multiple speakers/updates providing a snapshot of the private sector related FP/SRH work they do in-country. When the sessions are country focused, we explore defining features of the country’s FP/SRH market and invite the presenters to highlight their different private sector related tools and interventions that help improve the understanding and functioning of the FP/SRH market. The overall goal of the sessions is to generate awareness of FP market development and private sector engagement work happening in various countries and for participants to leave with greater understanding and appreciation of the country’s health market.

The HMCoP team is excited to explore more thematic areas in the future and would appreciate receiving ideas from the community as well. We aim to make the HMCoP sessions as dynamic and interactive as possible, to facilitate more exchange around market development and private sector engagement. 

To register for this event, please email Elizabeth Peña (FHM Engage) epena@FHM-Engage.org 

If you would like to present at any future meetings, we encourage you to please let us know and be sure to share this with anyone that you think would benefit from our group. Please feel free to contact Elizabeth Peña epena@FHM-Engage.org, Farhan Yusuf fyusuf@r4d.org, or Judy Mboya jmboya@fhm-engage.org


Banner image: A health worker speaks with a patient at a DFID-UK supported Marie Stopes International (MSI) family planning center in Zambia. Credit: Charlie Shoemaker/MSI. Source: USAID flickr.

  • Written by :

  • Published on : 20-Aug-24

  • Highlight Type : Event
  • Country : Zambia
  • Project : FHM Engage
  • Language : English