
Resource Library

Evaluating the Impact of Mobiles for Reproductive Health (m4RH)

This presentation describes an evaluation that SHOPS is conducting of a mobile health platform piloted by FHI/360 under the USAID-funded PROGRESS project. Mobiles for Reproductive Health (m4RH) offers a variety of mobile services related to reproductive health, including information related to specific types of contraceptive methods, testimonies from other users of certain methods, and timed reminders to specific users about the need to attend a family planning appointment. Through a randomized controlled design, SHOPS will attempt to measure the impact of accessing m4RH service on knowledge about contraceptive methods and on use of contraceptive methods. This presentation was given to the mHealth Working Group in Washington, D.C.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : Kenya, Tanzania

Year : 2013-02-13T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Tanzania Private Health Sector Assessment

In collaboration with the Tanzanian Public-Private Partnerships Technical Working Group and the IFC's Health in Africa Initiative, SHOPS conducted a private sector assessment in mainland Tanzania. The broad focus of the assessment was the status of existing public-private partnerships within the Tanzanian health system. It placed specific attention on the opportunities for operationalizing improved private health sector engagement in the key health areas of HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, and reproductive and child health—specifically related to the policymaking process, health financing, and service delivery.

NB: This downloadable resource is a draft of the full Tanzania Private Health Sector Assessment. To access the full assessment published by the World Bank in September 2013, please visit:

Resource Type : Report

Country : Tanzania

Year : 2013-02-05T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Tanzania: Assessment of Community Services for Childhood Illness

This report discusses the findings from an assessment that looked at the availability and quality of current community level child health services (both public and private) in rural areas. The assessment found quality lacking at both public and private sector outlets. The rural dispensaries (public sector) are the first choice for routine care among rural populations and across wealth quintiles; however, there are regular stock outs of drugs and staff that had been trained in Integrated Management of Childhood Illness protocols were not following the protocols. At the accredited dispensing drug outlets (private sector) there are fewer stockouts but these outlets are not usually located in remote, rural areas. They are also not accepted by the established medical system as service providers and are primarily filling perscriptions from dispensaries. Providers at these accredited dispensing drug outlets have been trained to recognize danger signs and refer patients to other health providers but they did not do so during the assessment. The report offers some recommendations for how to address these issues in inadequate service provision.

Resource Type : Report

Country : Tanzania

Year : 2013-01-16T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Tanzania: Assessment of Community Services for Childhood Illness (Presentation)

This presentation reviews the findings from an assessment that looked at the availability and quality of current community level child health services (both public and private) in rural areas. The assessment found quality lacking at both public and private sector outlets. The rural dispensaries (public sector) are the first choice for routine care among rural populations and across wealth quintiles; however, there are regular stock outs of drugs and staff that had been trained in Integrated Management of  Childhood Illness protocols were not following the protocols. At the accredited dispensing drug outlets (private sector) there are fewer stockouts but these outlets are not usually located in remote, rural areas. They are also not accepted by the established medical system as service providers and are primarily filling perscriptions from dispensaries. Providers at these accredited dispensing drug outlets have been trained to recognize danger signs and refer patients to other health providers but they did not do so during the assessment. The presentation offers some recommendations for how to address these issues in inadequate service provision.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : Tanzania

Year : 2013-01-16T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Tanzania Zinc Case Study

This document is part of a series of fourteen case studies in eleven countries that have tried to scale up ORS and zinc. These case studies document both successful and unsuccesful programs and contribute to our understanding of efforts to deliver proven interventions for childhood diarrhea. They are relevant to the community of international agencies, policy makers, researchers, and donors. Countries included in the series are: Bangladesh, Guyana, India, Jordan, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Trinidad and Tobago. In some cases a country may have two  case studies, one on ORS and one on zinc.

Resource Type :

Country : Tanzania

Year : 2013-01-09T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Tanzania ORS Case Study

This document is part of a series of fourteen case studies in eleven countries that have tried to scale up ORS and zinc. These case studies document both successful and unsuccesful programs and contribute to our understanding of efforts to deliver proven interventions for childhood diarrhea. They are relevant to the community of international agencies, policy makers, researchers, and donors. Countries included in the series are: Bangladesh, Guyana, India, Jordan, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Trinidad and Tobago. In some cases a country may have two  case studies, one on ORS and one on zinc.

Resource Type :

Country : Tanzania

Year : 2013-01-09T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Putting Mobile Money to Work for Public Health

This presentation discusses the various ways in which mobile phones can be used to improve health outcomes. Through two examples, one of mobile money transfers to provide post-disaster relief in Haiti and the other of voucher reimbursements in Tanzania, the presentation offers insight into current innovations in the mhealth field. 

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : Tanzania

Year : 2012-09-14T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Transcript from Live Chat with Dr. Samwel Ogillo, July 26, 2012

Transcript from live chat with Dr. Samwel Ogillo, CEO of Tanzania's Association of Private Healthcare Facilities (APHTA). Dr. Ogillo discussed his organization's experience in delivering quality HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis services through the private sector.

Resource Type : Other

Country : Tanzania

Year : 2012-08-09T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

SHOPS AIDS 2012 session video: Mobilizing the private health sector

On Wednesday, July 25, 2012, the SHOPS project hosted the session, "We're in it Together: Partnering with the Private Sector to Sustain National HIV Responses" at AIDS 2012 in Washington, D.C. Panelists from four African countries gave their views on how the private sector can contribute to national HIV responses. This video was played during the session to introduce discussion topics for the panel, and includes clips from health experts interviewed at the GIZ Conference in Tanzania.

Resource Type : Video

Country : Tanzania

Year : 2012-07-30T12:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Preview: SHOPS Satellite Session at AIDS 2012

A preview of the SHOPS satellite session at AIDS 2012, "We're in it Together," which will be held on Wednesday, July 25, 2012. This video features health experts from four African countries that will present at the session: 

• Edgar Lungu, Public-Private Partnerships Officer, Ministry of Health, Malawi 
• Dr. Margaret Kaseje, Executive Director, GoldStar Network, Kenya 
• Dr. Samwel Ogillo, CEO, Association of Private Health Facilities Tanzania 
• Dineo Pereko, SHOPS Country Representative, Namibia 
• Dr. Nelson Gitonga, Senior Policy Advisor, SHOPS Project, Kenya 

They discuss their successes and challenges in strengthening public-private health partnerships in developing countries. 

For more information about "We're in it Together," visit

Resource Type : Video

Country : Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Tanzania

Year : 2012-07-19T12:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS

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