Resource Type : Brief
Country : Madagascar
Year : 2023-07-26T05:54:50
Language : English
Project : FHM Engage
Halfway through our second year of project implementation, Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage teams took a moment to reflect on their progress and plans. From October 2022 to March 2023 – at the start of our second year – we focused on further aligning activities and deepening our understanding of specific product and geographic markets to identify areas where these markets are not meeting the needs of consumers, the root causes of these market constraints, and began to ideate on areas of intervention. For an overview understanding of our overall accomplishments in some of our field support countries, please review our FHM Engage Snapshots of Accomplishments (October 2022 to March 2023) in India, Liberia, Madagascar, Nigeria, and Tanzania.
Written by : FHM Engage
Published on : 24-Jul-23
The SHOPS Plus project in Madagascar strengthened the technical capacity of private sector providers and laid the groundwork for more effective public-private engagement for health. During this event, SHOPS Plus shared key accomplishments from the past six years of implementation and hosted a panel discussion with its partners to offer lessons learned.
This event was conducted in French.
Resource Type : Webinar
Country : Madagascar
Year : 2021-09-28T17:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS Plus
In Madagascar, SHOPS Plus has worked successfully with public and private health stakeholders to lay the groundwork for public-private engagement in health. In this video, SHOPS Plus Chief of Party Sarindra Ramanitrivonony and Dr. Julie Harisoa from the Ministry of Public Health discuss the barriers to public-private engagement and the project’s approach to fostering collaboration between both sectors. SHOPS Plus Health Specialist Dr. Fanantenana Randriamahenintsoa and Dr. Lantonirina Rakotovao from the District Public Health Service speak about increasing knowledge of the private health sector. Dr. Vero Randriamalala, President of the Federation of Health Mutuelles, discusses SHOPS Plus’s support to create the Federation to better organize the private health sector. Dr. Mamy Seth Rasolonjatovo, President of the Association of Private Hospitals in Madagascar, and Dr. Barbara Rakotonarivo of the Tananarivienne Inter-Company Health Organization explains how SHOPS Plus fostered public-private dialogue.
Related video: Strengthening the technical and business capacity of private sector providers in Madagascar
Resource Type : Video
Country : Madagascar
Year : 2021-07-22T14:30:00
Language : English
Project :
During this webinar, the last in the end-of-project series, leaders from the project reflected on results and implications. With special guests from USAID, FP2030, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation exploring what the future holds. Susan Mitchell, project director for SHOPS Plus, opens the webinar with an overview of the projects acheivements.
Since 2015, SHOPS Plus has sought to harness the full potential of the private sector and catalyze public-private engagement to improve health outcomes and increase access to family planning, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, and other priority health services.
Resource Type : Webinar
Country : India, Madagascar, Nepal, Senegal, Tanzania
Year : 2021-07-20T13:00:00
Language : English
Project :
Watch highlights from six years of SHOPS Plus engaging the private sector in health.
The video was shown July 14, 2021, during the webinar “Accelerating private sector engagement: What the future holds.”
Resource Type : Video
Country : India, Kenya, Madagascar, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania
Year : 2021-07-15T12:30:00
Language : English
Project :
In Madagascar, SHOPS Plus trained private sector providers in quality assurance and continuing quality improvement, focusing on key health areas affecting the Malagasy population. In this video, SHOPS Plus Chief of Party Sarindra Ramanitrivonony and Dr. Andy Rakotomanana from the Ministry of Public Health discuss the project’s approach to training and to ensuring the continuity of the training after the project ends. Luc Rakotovao, vice dean of the School of Medicine at the University of Antananarivo speaks about collaborating with SHOPS Plus to integrate the training content into the medical school curriculum.
Related video: Laying the foundation for public-private engagement in Madagascar
Resource Type : Video
Country : Madagascar
Year :
Language : English
Project : SHOPS Plus
A national health management information system (HMIS) is the foundation for effective oversight, management, and provision of health information, products, and services in a country. The private sector is often a significant source of health products and services, yet few countries have fully galvanized routine reporting by private health care providers. This results in incomplete data on the types, volumes, and quality of services and products delivered through private sector channels and limits the ability of public health officials to effectively engage and steward both the public and private health sectors. To address this gap, this report establishes a framework for examining and supporting private sector participation in a national HMIS. The framework identifies common barriers to private provider engagement in a national HMIS, shares global case studies, and offers actionable recommendations to governments, private providers, donors, and implementing partners.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal, Tanzania
Year : 2021-03-25T16:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS Plus
Privately delivered health care is an important component of many countries’ national health system service offerings. Ensuring that care is of a high quality is a priority for the global community. This brief shares a range of approaches and implementation experiences that focus on improving the quality of private health care from SHOPS Plus work in Madagascar, Nigeria, Senegal, and Tanzania. It provides broad and contextual lessons as well as practical tips for implementing partners and donors who want to support efforts assuring and improving the quality of private health service delivery.
Resource Type : Brief
Country : Madagascar, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania
Year : 2021-03-17T10:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS Plus
Bien qu’il y ait beaucoup à faire pour renforcer l’offre de soins de santé du secteur public, le secteur privé a également un rôle important à jouer dans l’amélioration de la performance de Madagascar sur les indicateurs clés de santé. L’amélioration de l’accès aux services de santé pour les populations à faible revenu de manière durable et à grande échelle grâce à des modèles du secteur privé exigera des approches novatrices qui peuvent surmonter les obstacles géographiques et financiers, ainsi que de mauvais réseaux d’orientation. Cela peut nécessiter l’utilisation de nouvelles technologies et de nouvelles capacités techniques, mais aussi et surtout, le développement de modèles d’affaires novateurs pour fournir efficacement des produits et services de santé à ceux qui en ont besoin.
Les entreprises du secteur de la santé qui participent à ce périple sont confrontées à un certain nombre de contraintes, notamment la faible capacité de paiement des clients, un degré élevé d’incertitude quant à la demande du marché, le manque d’accès au capital, et la nécessité de tester et d’adapter leurs modèles commerciaux au contexte spécifique de leur marché cible. Par conséquent, ces types d’entreprises ont besoin d’un soutien souple et tolérant aux risques pour permettre l’expérimentation et les investissements dans la planification de la mise à l’échelle.
Le but de cette étude est de découvrir les obstacles auxquels se heurtent les entrepreneurs dans le domaine de la santé à Madagascar, d’identifier les possibilités d’innovation dans le secteur privé et de formuler des recommandations sur la manière dont l’USAID pourrait soutenir l’entreprenariat et l’innovation afin de fournir des services de santé prioritaires aux populations à faibles revenus, de manière durable et à grande échelle.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Madagascar
Year : 2020-03-20T12:00:00
Language : French
Project : SHOPS Plus