The objective of this study was to investigate the clinical characteristics of children who died from diarrhea in low- and middle-income countries, such as the duration of diarrhoea, comorbid conditions, care-seeking behavior and oral rehydration therapy use. The study included verbal autopsy data on children who died from diarrhea between 2000 and 2012 at seven sites in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Pakistan, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania, respectively. Data came from demographic surveillance sites, randomized trials and an extended Demographic and Health Survey. The type of diarrhea was classified as acute watery, acute bloody or persistent and risk factors were identified. Deaths in children aged 1 to 11 months and 1 to 4 years were analyzed separately. Findings revealed that the proportion of childhood deaths due to diarrhea varied considerably across the seven sites from less than 3% to 30%. Among children aged 1–4 years, acute watery diarrhea accounted for 31–69% of diarrheal deaths, acute bloody diarrhea for 12–28%, and persistent diarrhea for 12–56%. Among infants aged 1–11 months, persistent diarrhea accounted for over 30% of diarrheal deaths in Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. At most sites, more than 40% of children who died from persistent diarrhea were malnourished. Persistent diarrhea remains an important cause of diarrheal death in young children in low- and middle-income countries. Research is needed on the public health burden of persistent diarrhea and current treatment practices to understand why children are still dying from the condition.
Resource Type : Brief
Country : Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda
Year : 2014-06-23T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
In January 2009, the USAID Mission to Pakistan, which supports the Ministry of Health's child health initiatives, invited the POUZN Project to conduct an assessment of diarrhea treatment in the private sector. The assessment revealed the existence of several zinc manufacturers with products already in the market. The USAID Mission funded the POUZN project to partner with manufacturers in order to increase the demand for zinc products in Pakistan. The objective of this qualitative study is to identify current methods of childhood diarrhea management and treatment and assess public perceptions of diarrhea in order to increase zinc sales. The study found that zinc awareness in Pakistan is low among mothers and private sector doctors. Parents tend to refrain from seeking treatment for their childrens illnesses because of cost barriers, so marketing a low cost treatment is recommended. Also, it is recommended that when engaging in marketing and training, doctors should be targeted first because caregivers are extremely relient on doctors opinions.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Pakistan
Year : 2010-03-30T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
There are more than two million reported cases of diarrhea in children under five each year with 14 percent of deaths among children under five due to diarrhea-related causes. In January 2009, the USAID Mission to Pakistan invited the Social Marketing Plus for Diarrheal Disease Control: Point-of-Use Disinfection and Zinc Treatment (POUZN) Project to conduct an assessment of the role of the private sector in diarrhea treatment and to present the options for supporting private sector firms in their efforts to market and distribute pediatric zinc for diarrhea treatment through both commercial channels and community distribution systems. Based on that assessment, the POUZN project developed a program in Pakistan to support local manufactures of pediatric zinc products with mass media generic advertising and training for providers. The following lessons were learned: a)collaboration with the private pharmaceutical sector is a viable and cost effective approach to ensure a sustainable and competitively priced supply of zinc, b) exposure to benefits of zinc use messages is essential to create awareness of and demand for zinc products, and c) caregiver complaince with the 10 day zinc regimen continues to be a major behavioral challenge.
Resource Type : Brief
Country : Pakistan
Year : 2011-07-01T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
Childhood pneumonia continues to be the second highest contributor to childhood morbidity and mortality in all ethnic groups in Pakistan. Information on community perceptions and management is largely limited to the Punjabi populace. In this study, ethno-specific illness terminologies, recognition and severity indicators and resort to treatment options for childhood pneumonia are explored among the two main ethnic groups in Sindh. Results are based on focus group discussions with 90 caretakers and 16 case history interviews. The findings indicate that pneumonia recognition is almost universal. The main recognition and severity indicator was pasli chalna (chest indrawing) followed by signs and symptoms relating to the quality of breathing and presence of high fever, lethargy and anorexia. Recognition of rapid breathing was low and mostly associated with fever. Exposure to thand (cold) through a variety of mechanisms was perceived to be the dominant causal model. The concept of contagion was virtually non-existent. Despite this, belief in efficacy of allopathic care was very high. Most caretakers reported seeking outside care within one to three days of the onset of symptoms. However, unrealistic expectations of cure often led to change in physicians and treatment regimen, if no improvement was observed by the second day. On the other hand, the quality of care provided by the physicians (both licensed and unlicensed) left much to be desired. Female autonomy and mobility did not appear to be a major constraint in seeking outside care other than for hospitalisation. Implications of these findings for the national acute respiratory infections control programme and future research are discussed.
Resource Type : Brief
Country : Pakistan
Year : 1997-10-01T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
An analysis of 14 Demographic and Health Surveys revealed that wealthier women are more likely than poorer women to use long-acting or permanent contraceptive methods instead of short-acting methods. They are also more likely to obtain these methods from the commercial sector. However, in some countries, a substantial minority of women from low and middle wealth quintiles uses the commercial sector for long-acting or permanent contraceptive methods.
Resource Type : Brief
Country : Bangladesh
Year : 2013-11-13T14:52:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
In this presentation, MacDonald discusses how to engage the private health sector to increase the use of zinc to prevent and treat diarrhea in children under five. In her presentation she concludes that the mass media can significantly increase awareness among caregivers and private sector channels are viable, effective options for delivery of zinc.
Resource Type : Presentation
Country : Ghana, Nepal
Year : 2013-07-08T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
This paper examines the ways in which the public and private sectors can cooperate to improve the quality and accessibility of primary healthcare (PHC) to the poor in developing countries. It reviews franchising models and provides a case study on Green Star, a health franchise based in Pakistan. It also provides policy proposals for future consideration.
Resource Type : Other
Country : Pakistan
Year : 2008-04-15T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
A brief overview of SHOPS work to create partnerships with zinc manufacturers to treat pediatric diarrheas in Nepal and Pakistan.
Resource Type : Other
Country : Nepal, Pakistan
Year : 2012-02-23T12:50:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
This presentation reviews the role of mobile phones in development initiatives, focusing on four case studies of mobile interventions to improve health outcomes in the developing world.
Resource Type : Presentation
Country : Bangladesh, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Uganda
Year : 2012-01-26T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
Poster contributed as a diarrhea management resource from the POUZN project.
Resource Type : Other
Country : Pakistan
Year : 2011-07-13T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS