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SHOPS Plus Overview

A two-page overview of SHOPS Plus, the USAID flagship initiative in private sector health. The project seeks to harness the full potential of the private sector and catalyze public-private engagement to improve health outcomes in family planning, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, and other…

Resource Type : Brochure/Postcard

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning, HIV/AIDS, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

Project: SHOPS Plus

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Corporate Engagement, Health Financing, Networks and Franchising, Pharmaceutical Partnerships and Social Marketing, Provider Access to Finance, Public-Private Engagement

A Playbook for Capitation: Lessons Learned from Health Insurance Companies in Kenya

Today, 1.6 million Kenyans are living with HIV. Kenya needs to rapidly expand HIV testing, care, and treatment to meet the 90-90-90 goals set for 2020— of all Kenyans living with HIV, 90 percent will know their status, 90 percent will be accessing ART, and 90 percent will be virally suppressed…

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Health Area: HIV/AIDS

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Health Financing

mHealth Service in Kenya Increases Knowledge of Family Planning

A randomized controlled trial in Kenya found that a mobile messaging service significantly improved knowledge of family planning among consumers. However, the service did not change contraceptive use or other behavior. The study showed that SMS can be an effective data collection tool to assess…

Resource Type : Brief

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Social and Behavior Change Communication

Consumer Use of a Family Planning Text Message Service

This brief summarizes findings about consumer use of a text message information service in Kenya called m4RH. Consumers initiate contact with the free service by sending a text and accessing information on family planning from a menu of topics. Researchers assessed the impact of m4RH on family…

Resource Type : Brief

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Digital Health

Diagnóstico del Sistema de Salud de Guatemala 2016: Diagnóstico del Sector Privado de Planificación Familiar, Atención Prenatal y Parto

El proyecto Fortalecimiento de los Logros en Salud a través del Sector Privado (SHOPS) realizó un diagnóstico del sector privado en Guatemala a solicitud de la USAID/Guatemala para identificar las fortalezas y debilidades del sector privado de salud y solicitó…

Resource Type : Report

Country : Guatemala

Health Area: Family Planning, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : Spanish

Technical Area: Private Health Sector Assessments

Is Household Wealth Associated With Use of Long-Acting Reversible and Permanent Methods of Contraception? A Multi-Country Analysis

As programs continue to expand access to family planning information, services, and products, it is critical that these efforts be undertaken with an equity lens, ensuring that regardless of socioeconomic status, all women and couples can use the method that meets their needs. This study…

Resource Type :

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Evaluation du secteur privé de la santé au Senegal a travers quelques exemples d'offres de produits et de prestations de services

Ce rapport documente une évaluation du secteur privé de la santé conduit par le project SHOPS. L’évaluation porte principalement sur la planification familiale, considérant en même temps la santé maternelle, néonatale et infantile, le VIH et le SIDA, le paludisme et la nutrition. Les auteurs du…

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Nutrition

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : French

Technical Area: Corporate Engagement, Digital Health, Health Financing, Public-Private Engagement

Senegal Private Health Sector Assessment: Selected Health Products and Services

The SHOPS project conducted an assessment of the private health sector in Senegal with a primary focus on family planning. The assessment team also looked at maternal, neonatal, and child health; HIV and AIDS; malaria; and nutrition. The authors of the report make several recommendations related…

Resource Type : Report

Country : Senegal

Health Area: HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Nutrition

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Corporate Engagement, Digital Health, Health Financing, Public-Private Engagement

Regional Trends in the Use of Short-acting and Long-acting Contraception Accessed through the Private and Public Sectors

To examine trends in the source of modern contraception (public versus private sector); method choice (long-acting or permanent methods versus short-acting methods); and method and source combined, a retrospective analysis was conducted using data collected by national Demographic and Health…

Resource Type :

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Strategies for Changing the Behavior of Private Providers

As the international health community progresses in achieving global development goals, the ability to change the behavior of providers to achieve optimal health outcomes becomes more critical. This primer was designed as a resource for field staff who implement private provider behavior change…

Resource Type :

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Digital Health, Networks and Franchising, Pharmaceutical Partnerships and Social Marketing, Provider Quality, Social and Behavior Change

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