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FHM Engage Private Sector Global…

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The private health sector includes all non-state actors involved in health, both for-profit and… Continue Reading

FHM Engage Concept Note Address E…

Resource Type: Report

FHM Engage is a global cooperative agreement providing technical assistance supporting local… Continue Reading


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The private health sector includes all non-state actors involved in health, both for-profit and… Continue Reading

INSIGHTS REPORT Financing for Fam…

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Snapshot of Accomplishments: Indi…

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Expanding and Improving Access to LA/PMs through the Private Sector

This presentation was given by Susan Mitchell of the SHOPS Project at the LA/PM Community of Practice Technical Consultation Meeting on March 4, 2014. The presentation gives a brief overview of different types of providers in the private sector and the challenges they face.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Private Health Sector Assessments, Provider Quality, Public-Private Engagement

Global Access Programs and Local Supply Chains for LARC Commodities

This presentation was given by Francoise Armand at the LA/PM Community of Practice Technical Consultation Meeting on March 4, 2014 in Washington, D.C. The presentation explores supply chains and global access to LARC commodities.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Creating a More Conducive Environment for LA/PM Provision

This presentation was given by Alex le May at the LA/PM Community of Practice Technical Consultation Meeting on March 4, 2014 in Washington, D.C. The presentation explores the policy environment in sub-Saharan Africa for task shifting provision of certain family planning services to lower cadres…

Resource Type : Presentation

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Reaching Maternal and Child Health Clients through Contracts with Private Health Care Providers in Malawi

Joe Tayag, health financing advisor for the SHOPS project, gave this presentation at USAID on February 25, 2014. In the presentation, Tayag describes the costing exercise for 95 services covered by service level agreements and activities that led to nations…

Resource Type : Presentation

Country :

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Health Financing

The Private Sector’s Role in Providing HIV Services in Ivory Coast

The SHOPS project analyzed data on past HIV spending to identify ways that donors and the government of Ivory Coast can better leverage the private health sector in the HIV response. Despite the fact that subsidized services in public sector facilities are readily available, SHOPS found that…

Resource Type :

Country :

Health Area: HIV/AIDS

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Health Financing

Improving Health in India through Market-Based Approaches

In this video, Ramakrishnan (Ram) Ganesan, SHOPS country representative in India, discusses the work that SHOPS and its predecessor project, Market-based Partnerships for Health (MBPH), is doing in India, along with challenges, achievements, and his hope for the future.

Resource Type : Video

Country : India

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Using Mobile Phones to Increase Continuation Rates of DMPA

To address high discontinuation rates of DMPA, a three-month injectable contraceptive, the SHOPS project established an outbound call service to support users in India. This “careline” called users to reassure them of any side effects and to remind them about when their next dose is due. The…

Resource Type :

Country : India

Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Advanced Cook Stoves Initiative

India has one of the highest burden of diseases, with much of it due to indoor air pollution. The SHOPS project markets advanced cook stoves in the country to reduce indoor air pollution and save fuel. This three-way partnership model includes a manufacturer, distributor, and microfinance…

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : India

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Increasing use of Zinc in the treatment of pediatric diarrhea in Benin

In 2008, USAID introduced a diarrhea treatment kit with zinc and ORS in Benin through private sector channels.  After only three years of program implementation, the majority of caregivers reported treating with zinc, but the use of antibiotics also increased.  This presentation discusses the…

Resource Type :

Country :

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Overview of the LiveWell Initiative in Nigeria

CEO Bisi Bright gives the inside story on the LiveWell Initiative, a Nigerian based health care nonprofit which has served 1.5 million Nigerians. LiveWell Initiative successfully operates a business model that extends its reach to the base of the pyramid and beyond, without donor funding. This…

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : Nigeria

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

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FHM Engage Market Descriptions

See all market descriptions here.