As part of the Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP) monitoring and evaluation, PSP conducted a survey in May 2008 to measure the following:
The results of the survey would enable PSP to:
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 2008-05-15T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
One of the main activities of the Private Sector Project (PSP) for Women’s Health is to address provider bias and negative attitudes and behaviors towards hormonal family planning (FP) methods and to increase knowledge of modern contraceptive methods among physicians providing family planning (FP) services to Jordanian women. To do this, PSP enacted an Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) in which PSP collaborated with Bayer Schering Pharma to organize seminars for 247 physicians to disseminate best research evidence on combined oral contraception (COC) methods through a Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) format. PSP then reinforced knowledge though individual visits to doctors, providing specific messages and materials on key COC topics.
PSP conducted an assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of physicians participating in its 2009/2010 EBM program both before and after participation in the program.
The assessment found that the PSP-Jordan EBM program was an effective method for improving private sector provider knowledge, attitudes, and practices on FP. Following participation in the EBM program, participating physicians:
Based on assessment results, it is recommended that PSP:
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 2010-12-15T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
A major project activity, and the focus of this mid-term evaluation, is outreach to women in their homes by community health workers (CHWs) to generate and increase demand for reproductive health and family planning (RH/FP) services and to refer them to the appropriate service points.
Together with two outreach partners, Circassian Charity Association (CCA) and General Union of Voluntary Societies (GUVS), PSP-Jordan is undertaking a mid-term review of its outreach program, to assess the current outreach approach and its effectiveness, take stock of current performance indicators, determine opportunities for further data analysis, and identify areas for improvement. Ensuring data collection on appropriate indicators, as well as timely analysis, is key to effectively measuring the impact of outreach efforts and their contribution to USAID/Jordan’s strategic objectives related to RH/FP.
Key evaluation objectives for the mid-term evaluation of the outreach component were to:
This report presents findings from the evaluation.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 2008-05-30T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
One of the major activities of the Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP) is to implement a home-based outreach program with hard to reach population groups, implemented by community health workers (CHW).
The home outreach program should revert to using paper client forms for collecting information from clients during all home visits.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 2011-01-15T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
One objective of the Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP) is to improve the quality of women’s health services delivered through the private sector. Toward that end, PSP commissioned a review of the status of Continuing Medical Education (CME) for physicians in Jordan. The complete report for the whole review of CME has three parts:
This report addresses part III only, i.e., the Training Needs Assessment for Jordan Medical Council (JMC).
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 2008-08-18T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
One objective of the Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP) is to improve the quality of women’s health services delivered through the private sector. Toward that end, PSP commissioned a review of the status of Continuing Medical Education (CME) for physicians in Jordan. The complete report for the whole review of CME has three parts:
This report addresses part II only, i.e., the Legal Report: The Legislative Status of the Jordan Medical Council (JMC) and Continuing Medical Education (CME).
Below are the main recommendations:
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 2008-04-18T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
One objective of the Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP) is to improve the quality of women’s health services delivered through the private sector. Toward that end, PSP commissioned a review of the status of Continuing Medical Education (CME) for physicians in Jordan. The complete report for the whole review of CME has three parts:
This report addresses part I only, i.e., the Technical Report: Continuing Medical Education, Role of Jordan Medical Council and the Way Forward.
The review and analysis found that the JMC does not meet expectations when benchmarked against the regional and international CME standards. Specifically, the review found the following:
A number of recommendations are critical for advancement of CME:
Resource Type :
Country : Jordan
Year : 2008-04-18T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
The objectives of the JAFPP assessment were to develop recommendations to maintain and improve service quality; expand family planning/reproductive health services and clientele; increase access to quality reproductive health services; and improve JAFPP’s financial stability and cost efficiency.
The most important challenges to enhance JAFPP service delivery include:
The report includes recommendations for addressing these challenges.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 2008-08-27T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
Through this rapid assessment, the PSP-One project sought to analyze business conditions and the strategies and practices of the pharmaceutical industry in Jordan. The assessment focused on the private sector, particularly the market potential for generic contraceptive products whose presence on a market can contribute to significantly reducing contraceptive prices. Another area of focus was the willingness of private sector supppliers to increase the range of products available in Jordan and participate in market-building efforts.
Jordan’s high entry barriers and price control limit access to both product innovation and low-cost generic contraceptives. Multinational companies selling contraceptives in Jordan cite high marketing costs and low price ceilings as disincentives for introducing new brands or investing in this market. Asian generic producers are subject to cumbersome and costly procedures that limit their presence in Jordan. Local manufacturers reportedly have no interest in producing contraceptives because their export potential is extremely limited. As a result, generic products are relatively absent from the Jordanian market, which contributes to keeping drug prices high across most therapeutic areas.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 2007-12-07T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS
The purpose of the study was to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and practices of attending pharmacy staff towards family planning after elapse of 4 years on a previous program aimed at enhancing knowledge and skills of pharmacy staff in the area of family planning.
The study concluded that:
In view of these findings, the starting point for adoption of family planning products will always be the physician. But, the role of the pharmacist remains significant if not crucial in maintaining proper use as oral contraceptives are classified as a repeat prescription product and actual practice confirms this where more than two-thirds of oral contraceptive business is repeat. To this end, dissipating some prevailing misconceptions and myths amongst pharmacy staff (and clients) regarding use of oral contraceptives is crucial to increase user retention rates and maintanence of propor oral contraceptive use. Furthermore, provision of information to both clients and pharmacy staff on the “extra” benefits of OCs to women’s health is needed alongside of correction of misconceptions.
Resource Type : Report
Country : Jordan
Year : 2006-11-01T00:00:00
Language : English
Project : SHOPS