
Resource Library

Commercial Viability Assessment for CycleBeads in Jordan

The Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP) received support from USAID to conduct a feasibility assessment for the Standard Days Method (SDM) using CycleBeads in Jordan. The assessment included a market viability assessment to determine the attractiveness of the product to potential distributors and retailers with the following activities:

  • Met with commercial distributors to identify potential partners for launching CycleBeads
  • Met with pharmacists to discuss interest in carrying the product
  • Created cost projections and profit/loss analysis for potential distributors of the product


PSP conducted the assessment, which resulted in the following recommendations:

  • Commercial distributors are the best method for introducing CycleBeads in the private market in Jordan
  • CycleBeads can likely be sold at an affordable retail price in Jordan
  • Distributors are not dissuaded by the potential limited market size
  • CycleBeads will sell only if the promotion is strong
  • Involve private non-profit family planning clinics in distribution plans

Resource Type : Report

Country : Jordan

Year : 2008-06-18T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Survey and Assessment of Private Sector Mammogram Facilities in Central and North Jordan

One objective of the Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP) is to increase the quality and quantity of breast cancer diagnosis in the private sector. Toward that end, PSP commissioned a survey to:

  • Identify radiology facilities and hospitals that provide mammogram testing (screening and diagnostic)
  • Understand policies, capacities, and trends prevailing in breast cancer imaging and diagnosis in the private sector
  • Assess the training interest of facilities for radiologists and technicians through a program with the King Hussein Cancer Center\
  • Identify potential facilities that may be approached for a subsidized screening referral program in collaboration with the National Screening Program

This report presents the findings from this survey and provides recommendations regarding potential facilities for mammogram training and identification of potential facilities for a discount patient referral network. The report also presents recommendations to address gaps and problems on needs of the mammogram sector in the private market.


Resource Type :

Country : Jordan

Year : 2007-09-09T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Private Sector Project for Women’s Health: A Legacy of Partnership for Innovation and Change 2005-2012

This final report summarizes the results and lessons learned of the seven-year Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (2005-2012). The overall goal of the project was to improve the health of Jordanian women and (by extension) their families through public-private partnership.

Key project results: 

  • Pursued a community outreach strategy to educate nearly 1.5 million low-income women and trigger demand for women’s health services through referrals and vouchers
  • Formulated the “Enhancing Quality in Private Providers" (EQuiPP) approach to improve quality of women’s health services among 1,790 physicians in the private sector
  • Helped launch a national program to promote early detection of breast cancer, which reduced late stage detection from 70% in 2006 to 41% in 2009 
  • Teamed with private partners in 17 hospitals to improve detection, treatment and care for female survivors of domestic violence

Resource Type : Report

Country : Jordan

Year : 2012-02-15T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

The private sector and long-acting methods in Jordan

Dr. Maha Shadid discusses the Ta'ziz project, a five year USAID funded project implemented by Abt Associates in Jordan, and how the project has strengthened the role of the private sector in promoting family planning in Jordan. Dr. Shadid is the Deputy Chief of Party of SHOPS Jordan. Download a PDF of the presentation by clicking on the download button, or view a recording of the presentation.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : Jordan

Year : 2012-05-09T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Jordan Ta'ziz Birth Spacing Commercial - Breastfeeding Pills

The Strengthening Family Planning project ("Ta'ziz Tanzim Al Usra," in Arabic), launched a national campaign this spring in Jordan that promotes the use of family planning pills as a safe and effective method for couples who want to space their children and plan their family size. 

Resource Type : Video

Country : Jordan

Year : 2012-03-09T12:00:00

Language : Arabic

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Jordan Ta'ziz Birth Spacing Commercial - Oral Contraceptives

The Strengthening Family Planning project ("Ta'ziz Tanzim Al Usra," in Arabic), launched a national campaign this spring in Jordan that promotes the use of family planning pills as a safe and effective method for couples who want to space their children and plan their family size.

Resource Type : Video

Country : Jordan

Year : 2012-03-09T12:00:00

Language : Arabic

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Private Sector Project for Women’s Health: A Legacy of Partnership for Innovation and Change

This presentation gives an overview of the work of the 5-year PSP-One Jordan project, which ended in January 2012. The overall goal of the project was to improve the health of Jordanian women and (by extension) their families through public-private partnership. Toward that goal, the project pursued a community outreach strategy to educate low-income women and trigger demand for women’s health services through referrals and vouchers; formulated the “Enhancing Quality in Private Providers" (EQuiPP) approach to improve quality of women’s health services in the private sector; launched the movement to promote early detection of breast cancer; and, teamed with private partners to improve detection, treatment and care for female survivors of domestic violence. Many of these activities will be continued under the SHOPS project.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : Jordan

Year : 2012-03-02T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Preparing Private Hospitals to Manage Gender-Based Violence

A 2007 Demographic Health Survey in Jordan found that violence against women is both common and often seen as acceptable. Approximately one-third of ever-married women age 15-49 reported they had been hit, slapped, kicked, or subjected to some other form of physical violence. The same survey indicated that 90% of women polled found wife beating an acceptable practice, probably explaining the small number of women who seek treatment and support. In 2007, PSP Jordan took the initiative to form a partnership with leading women’s organizations and high level officials and government agencies to address violence against women practices. This brief explains how the partnership worked with private hospitals to sensitize them to this issue and create a strategy to respond to it, which included training programs for hospital staff and the formation of gender based violence policies at the participating hospitals.

Resource Type : Brief

Country : Jordan

Year : 2010-08-15T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Improving Quality of Women's Health and Family Planning Services in Jordan's Private Health Sector

Presentation by Dr. Nagham Abu Shakra of "Session 1B: Good, Bad, or Indifferent: Quality of Care in the Private Sector" at the International Health Economics Association bi-annual meeting in Toronto, on July 09, 2011 in a pre-Congress symposium.

Resource Type : Presentation

Country : Jordan

Year : 2011-07-18T00:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS


Resource Library

Violence Against Women: Breaking the Silence

A technical brief entitled "Violence Against Women" produced under the PSP-Jordan project, released August 2010.

Resource Type : Brief

Country : Jordan

Year : 2010-09-01T14:00:00

Language : English

Project : SHOPS

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