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The Family Planning Program Effort Index: 1999 Cycle

Indices of effort by large scale family planning programs have been measured periodically since 1972. These scores are intended to capture program effort or strength, independent of outputs such as contraceptive use or fertility change. Questionnaires were sent to expert observers who provided…

Resource Type : Report

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Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

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Social Franchising Health Services: A Philippines Case Study and Review of Experience

For over 15 years, John Snow, Inc. (JSI) has managed a number of public-private partnerships intended to expand access to family planning and other reproductive health services. JSI has been instrumental in establishing one such partnership in the Philippines—a so-called "social franchise," the…

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Project: SHOPS

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Language : English

Technical Area: Public-Private Engagement

Case Study: Introducing Social Franchising in Myanmar

PSI Myanmar, using a grant from the Packard Foundation, laid the foundation to launch the Sun Quality franchise network in 2001. The Sun Quality franchise now has over 450 providers in 90 townships participating in the franchise and adhering to quality standards. In 2004, Sun Quality clinics had…

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Project: SHOPS

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Assessment of the Private Health Care Sector in Morocco

The Government of Morocco (GOM) can and should encourage the private sector to offer comprehensive and high-quality health care to the growing segment of the Moroccan population that can afford to pay for it—health care that meets recognized standards and that includes preventive care, family…

Resource Type : Report

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Project: SHOPS

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Examining the Role of Private Maternity Services in Nepal, India and Tanzania

The maternal and child millennium development goals (MDG) call for a reduction of maternal mortality by three-quarters and child deaths by two-third between 1990 and 2015. It is widely acknowledged that a functioning healthcare system is essential to achieve these aims. To date, Maternal and…

Resource Type : Tool

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Project: SHOPS

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Towards Equitable Financing Strategies for Reproductive Health

This paper examines the impact of different financing regimes on the delivery of reproductive health services in low and middle income countries. Financing is an important entry point for examining the impact of health sector reforms on reproductive health. It is likely that different financing…

Resource Type : Other

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Project: SHOPS

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Technical Area: Health Financing

HIV/AIDS and the Private Sector - A Literature Review

This paper presents a review of the literature on HIV/AIDS and the private sector. It encompasses the impact of HIV/AIDS on businesses and the business response to AIDS. The literature on both subjects is limited and often dated, and extensive further research is clearly required if a robust…

Resource Type : Other

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Project: SHOPS

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Case Study: Zambia Integrated Health Programme (ZIHP)

ZIHP worked with the Government of Zambia to address pressing health problems within the country. Further, ZIHP supported the institutional development of the Zambian government, NGOs, and the private sector by training community health workers and providing grants. ZIHP trained 18 NGO/CBOs…

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Project: SHOPS

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Language : English

Technical Area: Public-Private Engagement

Final International Confederation of Midwives Pre-Congress Workshop Report

Following discussions with Mary Ellen Stanton, USAID, Global Health Bureau and Deb Armbruster, Preventing Post-Partum Hemorrhage Initiative, PATH, in February 2005, PSP-One and Banking on Health (BoH), both USAID funded projects, explored the possibility of targeting midwives as an important and…

Resource Type : Report

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Project: SHOPS

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Case Study: Scaling Up Post Abortion Care Services

The PRIME II Project collaborated with the Kenya Ministry of Health and key stakeholders, including the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK) and the National Nursing Association of Kenya (NNAK) to train private and NGO sector nurse-midwives in post abortion care. PRIME introduced the pilot program in…

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Project: SHOPS

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