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Midterm Assessment of Intermediate Result 3 of Strategic Objective 3: "Increased Private Sector Provision of Contraceptives and Family Planning/Maternal and Child Health Services"

The subject of this assessment is USAID/Philippines's Strategic Objective 3 (SO 3), Reduced Population Growth Rate and Improved Maternal and Child Health (MCH), and specifically its Intermediate Result (IR) 3, increased private sector provision of family planning (FP) and MCH services. The…

Resource Type : Report

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Project: SHOPS

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Evaluation of the USAID/Honduras Private Sector Population II Project

USAID/Honduras contracted the Population Technical Assistance Project (POPTECH) to conduct the final evaluation of the Honduras Private Sector Population II project (522-0369). The purpose of the evaluation was to assess whether the project achieved its purpose, to examine the roles of the…

Resource Type : Report

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Project: SHOPS

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Technical Area: Pharmaceutical Partnerships and Social Marketing

The POLICY Project in Turkey: Overview, Results and Lessons Learned

The purpose of this paper is to summarize POLICY's assistance in Turkey featuring results and lessons learned to date. In addition to this introduction, the paper is organized in three parts representing technical components of POLICY's work in Turkey: Contraceptive Self-reliance, National…

Resource Type : Report

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Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

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Family Planning Market Segmentation in Jordan: An Analysis of the Family Planning Market in Jordan to Develop an Effective and Evidence-Based Strategic Plan for Attaining Contraceptive Security

This study presents a secondary data analysis of the 2002 Jordan Population and Family Health Survey. The sample size in JPFHS 2002 was 6,000 ever-married women ages 15–49. The wealth index constructed by MACRO was used for the market segmentation analysis. In developing a wealth index, each…

Resource Type : Report

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Health Area: Family Planning, HIV/AIDS

Project: SHOPS

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Trends and Issues Affecting Service Delivery Over the Next Decade

This document has been written at the request of the Service Delivery Improvement Division as part of its planning process for the next decade. It focuses primarily upon features that concern the provision of services, not upon all aspects of reproductive health programs. The first five sections…

Resource Type : Other

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Health Area: Family Planning, HIV/AIDS

Project: SHOPS

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Pathways to Contraceptive Security Workshop Report

The Turkish Ministry of Health (MOH) and the POLICY Project conducted a national workshop, Pathways to Contraceptive Security, October 31 and November 1, 2001, in Konya, Turkey. Forty- four policymakers and leaders from the health sector participated, including representatives from the central…

Resource Type : Other

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Project: SHOPS

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The SEATS Plan for Sustainability: Guidelines for Strengthening Institutions and Recovering Costs

The Plan for Sustainability was developed to assist SEATS II project managers and staff to build in, monitor, and evaluate sustainability within the SEATS II subprojects. It can serve as both a technical and reference tool to managers of other reproductive health programs. It includes a…

Resource Type : Tool

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Project: SHOPS

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The Green star Network: Social Marketing Reproductive Health Services in Pakistan

The Green Star Network is one of the largest developing-country, private reproductive health networks in the world. Green Star clinics and pharmacies deliver comprehensive, affordable, quality reproductive health products and services to millions of low-income people throughout Pakistan.

Resource Type : Other

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Project: SHOPS

Year :

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Technical Area: Pharmaceutical Partnerships and Social Marketing

Issues in the Financing of Family Planning Services in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report addresses major issues related to the financing of family planning services in sub-Saharan Africa by consolidating and analyzing available information, much of which is not published or readily available. It is addressed to policy-makers and program managers in African government and…

Resource Type : Other

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Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Health Financing

Findings from the Sub-Saharan Africa Urban Family Planning Study. The Centre for African Family Studies, Nairobi, Kenya.

Those involved or interested in the provision of social services in urban areas are the audience for these reports. They describe the results of the first urban study conducted under SEATS I. The study sought to determine how family planning service delivery programs in three African cities…

Resource Type : Other

Country :

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Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Provider Quality

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