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The UNFPA Private-Sector Initiative: Exploring Ways to Facilitate Cooperation between Governments and the Commercial Sector to Expand Access to Reproductive Health Commodities

This report outlines the experience of various agencies, including UNFPA, in expanding cooperation with the private sector for the provision of reproductive health services and commodities. While reviewing the conclusions of international consultations in 1997 and 1998 on the progress of the…

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Pharmaceutical Partnerships and Social Marketing

Private-Sector Family Planning & Reproductive Health Service Delivery in El Salvador

A report with suggestions for a guiding framework for future international assistance, both from USAID and other potential donors, public and private.

Resource Type : Tool

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Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

Year :

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Assessment Manual: A Handbook for Conducting Private Sector Country Assessments

In order to fulfill its mandate, CMS conducted technical assessments in selected countries to evaluate conditions and markets for family planning and reproductive health care interventions. The assessment influenced the subsequent program design for that country. This handbook presents the…

Resource Type : Tool

Country :

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Private Health Sector Assessments

Commercial Approaches to Reproductive Health: Innovations, Results and Lessons Learned (End of Project Conference Proceedings Report)

The Commercial Market Strategies project is the first USAID contract to be implemented under the Commercial and Private Sector Strategies (CAPS) Results Package, a 10-year package that seeks to increase use of family planning and other health products and services through private-sector…

Resource Type : Other

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Health Area: Sexual and Reproductive Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

The Role for Insurance Mechanisms in Improving Access to Private Sector Primary & Reproductive Health Care

In order for CMS to determine if health insurance and pre-payment could be a useful part of the overall CMS strategy to expand private sector provision of services, CMS convened a panel of experts with experience in developing country health insurance schemes. The panel concluded that it is…

Resource Type : Other

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Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Health Financing

Family Planning Programs: Getting the Most for the Money

This Viewpoint piece discusses how donors can know how to get the most change in contraceptive prevalence per dollar spent. Some of the issues mentioned are barriers to contraceptive use, price elasticity, and price subsidies. The paper then discusses other activities and areas where further…

Resource Type :

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Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Health Financing

Technical Assistance in Developing Private Sector Resources for the Treatment of HIV/AIDS in Namibia: Work Done in Conjunction with PharmAccess International (PAI)

This report presents the history of technical assistance provided by the Commercial Market Strategies project to support the expansion of private sector treatment of HIV/AIDS in Namibia. The work, supported by USAID, was undertaken between March and September 2004, and was performed in…

Resource Type : Other

Country :

Health Area: HIV/AIDS

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area:

Demonstrating the Potential of Private Health Providers: Summary and Evaluation of Privatising a Reproductive Health Services Project in Uganda

This report presents the evaluation of Privatizing Uganda Reproductive Health Services (PURSE) Project, an initiative implemented by Commercial Market Strategies in Uganda. The purpose of the evaluation is to document experience and lessons learned from the PURSE Project, with the aim of…

Resource Type : Other

Country :

Health Area: Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Provider Access to Finance, Public-Private Engagement

Corporate Social Responsibility: Opportunities for Reproductive Health

The Commercial Market Strategies project defines CSR as the responsibilities that a company has to its stakeholders — including employees, their communities, consumers or customers, shareholders, and key host government agencies— and the actions that the company takes to address and balance the…

Resource Type : Other

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning, HIV/AIDS, Sexual and Reproductive Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Corporate Engagement, Public-Private Engagement

Business Strategies for the Reproductive Health NGO.

During the past five years CMS has worked with NGOs in twelve countries, helping them become more sustainable. CMS's philosophy of NGO sustainability is strongly business-oriented: In order to support and maintain quality programs, it is essential to have a healthy financial base, solid…

Resource Type : Other

Country :

Health Area: Sexual and Reproductive Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Health Financing

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