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An Assessment of Community-Based Health Financing Activities in Uganda

The Partners for Health Reformplus Project (PHRplus), in conjunction with the Uganda Community Based Health Financing Association (UCBHFA), conducted an assessment of community-based health financing (CBHF) schemes in Uganda. The purpose of the assessment was to identify good practices/models…

Resource Type : Report

Country :

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Project: SHOPS

Year :

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Technical Area: Health Financing

A New Face for Private Providers in Developing Countries: What Implications for Public Health?

The use of private health care providers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is widespread and is the subject of considerable debate. We review here a new model of private primary care provision emerging in South Africa, in which commercial companies provide standardized primary care…

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Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Provider Quality

The Potential Market for Expanded Private-Sector Family Planning in the Philippines

The Philippines, with a population of 80 million and an annual growth rate of 2.36 percent, had 3.2 million women using modern family planning methods in 1998. This number is projected to grow to 5.8 million by 2007. Seventy-two percent of users obtain their contraceptives from the public sector…

Resource Type : Report

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Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

Year :

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Social franchising reproductive health services: Can it work? A review of the experience

This paper provides an introduction to franchising and examines its potential to help improve access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in developing countries, and develops guidelines for social franchising in reproductive health.

Resource Type : Other

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Project: SHOPS

Year :

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Technical Area: Networks and Franchising

Monitoring the Performance of a Reproductive Health Franchise in Nepal

The Commercial Market Strategies project implemented a pilot network of private-sector nurses and paramedics in Nepal. Network activities began in April 2001, when franchisees were given basic reproductive health training for seven days. In addition, a two-day training was given on services…

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Health Area: Sexual and Reproductive Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Contraceptive Security in Armenia: Segmenting the Family Planning Market

This study presents findings from a market segmentation analysis of family planning in Armenia. Specifically, the report identifies and characterizes market segments and offers suggestions for effectively targeting reproductive health resources within the constraints of the political and…

Resource Type : Report

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Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area:

The Impact of a Microfinance Program on Client Perceptions of the Quality of Care Provided by Private-Sector Midwives in Uganda

Can the quality of care and sustainability of private providers be improved by providing access to credit and business-skills training? Small-scale private providers supply a substantial portion of reproductive health care in Uganda. But a lack of credit and business skills constrains their…

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Provider Quality

Performance Improvement

This series of the CCP Population Report describes in detail the process of Performance Improvement (PI), including some specific examples of how the method has been used successfully.

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Provider Quality

Networking for Policy Change: An Advocacy Training Manual

It is through advocacy—a set of targeted actions in support of a specific cause— that a supportive and self-sustaining environment for family planning and reproductive health goals can be created. This training manual was prepared to help representatives of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)…

Resource Type : Tool

Country :

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Public-Private Engagement

Making a Difference to Policies and Programs: A Guide for Researchers

This booklet is a guide for researchers who aim to have an impact on policy and program decisions. It is intended for researchers attached to government services and researchers located in academic institutions, as well as researchers working as consultants in the private sector. The approach…

Resource Type : Other

Country :

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language :

Technical Area: Public-Private Engagement

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See all market descriptions here.