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Resource Type: Report

Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage is a global cooperative agreement focusing on improving… Continue Reading

FHM Engage Private Sector Global…

Resource Type: Report

The private health sector includes all non-state actors involved in health, both for-profit and… Continue Reading

FHM Engage Concept Note Address E…

Resource Type: Report

FHM Engage is a global cooperative agreement providing technical assistance supporting local… Continue Reading


Resource Type: Report

The private health sector includes all non-state actors involved in health, both for-profit and… Continue Reading

INSIGHTS REPORT Financing for Fam…

Resource Type: Report
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Expanding use of household water treatment in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo Results and Lessons Learned

One of the largest countries in Africa in both size and population, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the poorest in the world. According to the 2010 UN Development Index, it ranks 168th out of 169 countries, ahead of only Zimbabwe.1 For DRC’s 71 million people, life expectancy is…

Resource Type : Brief

Country :

Health Area: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Providing Safe Drinking Water in Benin: The POUZN Aquatabs Program Results and Lessons Learned

Benin is one of the poorest and least developed countries of the world, ranking 161/182 in the UN’s Human Development Index for 2009. Sixty-six percent of the population resides in rural areas. Overall health indicators are poor, with a low life expectancy of 56 years and high infant (78/1000…

Resource Type : Brief

Country :

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Fourniture d’une eau potable grâce au programme Aquatabs du POUZN au Bénin Résultats et leçons apprises

Situé sur la côte occidentale de l’Afrique entre le Nigeria et le Togo sur le Golfe du Bénin (Figure 1), le Bénin est l’un des pays les plus pauvres et les moins développés du monde, figurant à la 161e place sur 182 dans le classement de l’Indice du développement humain de l’ONU pour 2009.…

Resource Type : Brief

Country :

Health Area:

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Assuring Access to Pediatric Zinc for Diarrhea Treatment Through the Private Sector in Madagascar Results and Lessons Learned

Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world and ranks 145th out of 182 countries on the 2009 Human Development Index. Its total population is estimated at 20.6 million. 1 Data from the Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS) 2008-09 (National Statistical Institute et al. 2010)…

Resource Type : Brief

Country : Madagascar

Health Area: Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Assurer l’accès au zinc pédiatrique pour le traitement des diarrhées au moyen du secteur privé à Madagascar : Résultats et leçons apprises

Madagascar est la quatrième île au monde par sa superficie et elle se classe 145e sur 182 sur la liste de l’Indice du développement humain pour 2009. Sa population totale est estimée à 20,6 millions1. Les données de l’Enquête démographique et de santé de Madagascar (EDSMD) pour 2008–2009 (…

Resource Type : Brief

Country : Madagascar

Health Area: Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : French

Technical Area:

A Public-Private Partnership for the Introduction of Zinc for Diarrhea Treatment in Benin Results and Lessons Learned

Benin, located in western Africa between Nigeria and Togo on the Gulf of Benin, is territorially one of the smaller countries in Africa, with an area of 112,620 sq km and a population of 9.03 million. It is one of the poorest and least developed countries of the world, ranking 161/182 in the…

Resource Type : Brief

Country :

Health Area: Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Public-Private Engagement

Urgent Need for Co-ordinated Regional Response to HIV/AIDS

In an article in The Barbados Advocate, Chief Medical Officer of Barbados, Dr. Joy St. John, calls for a coordinated response to HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean. The USAID-funded Health Systems 20/20 and Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) projects were integral in…

Resource Type : Other

Country :

Health Area: HIV/AIDS

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Paraguay Assessment Report

Paraguay’s notable successes in improving the health of its people are best seen in its reproductive health indicators. In recent years the rate of contraceptive prevalence among women in union as well as all women of reproductive age has increased dramatically. This can be attributed to…

Resource Type : Report

Country :

Health Area: Family Planning

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area:

Strengthening Health Systems by Engaging the Private Health Sector: Promising HIV/AIDS Partnerships

Strengthening Health Systems by Engaging the Private Health Sector: Promising HIV/AIDS Partnerships describes the variety of private sector actors operating in health systems and the policy instruments with which to engage them. The brief includes examples of partnerships from Lesotho, Nigeria,…

Resource Type : Brief

Country : Nigeria

Health Area: HIV/AIDS

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : English

Technical Area: Public-Private Engagement

Un partenariat public-privé pour l'introduction du zinc pour le traitement de la diarrhée au Bénin : Résultats et leçons apprises

Contexte du programme Le Bénin est l'un des plus petits pays d'Afrique, avec une superficie de 112 620 km et une population de 9 030 000 habitants. C'est l'un des pays les plus pauvres et les moins développés du monde, figurant en 161e place sur 182 dans le classement des Nations Unies de l'…

Resource Type : Brief

Country :

Health Area: Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

Project: SHOPS

Year :

Language : French

Technical Area:

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FHM Engage Market Descriptions

See all market descriptions here.